
Jul 05, 2007 12:01

First of all: this is the funniest icon ever Y/N? It has nothing to do with anything at the moment, and I haven't seen an episode of Dawson's Creek in about 10 years, but the face he is making slays me. sunnyringo made it XD

I Potterized my layout last night LOL.

ack_attack!!! (ETA: LJ is being wonky and the header won't load all the time, but you can see it HERE!)

I also renamed my journal and changed my default icon. It's like Christmas in July!! But it's a Potter Christmas! WOOO!!!

Speaking of which, in case you didn't see, I made 12 Potter journal headers yesterday, if you'd also like to change the look of your journal in honor of the Pottermania. IT'S ALL HAPPENING.

Okay for today's Pottermania, let's do a little poll:

Which HP character are you most like?

I'm Hermione. Without a doubt. I'm not SO much of a killjoy, but I'm probably more like her than any other fictional character, except maybe Hurley on Lost.

Apologies to any non-HP people on my f-list, I get just as crazy about HP as I do with Lost, so with no Lost to keep my brain busy, it's all Potter, all the time. I'll do another Lost recap soon, I promise.

I can't stop listening to this song. At all.

lost, pottermania, icons, hp, layouts

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