Snap Cup Meme!!! And Happy Fourth of July to all my American comrades! Go eat a burger and blow shit up!!
Rupert looks extra cute in this one.
Yes, Matthew Lewis is hot now. All he needs to do is fix the teeth and not wear ties that look like they came straight from 1983, which I may add was 6 years before Matthew Lewis was born, ;_;
I want to be JK Rowling when I grow up.
Look how cute she is!! ;lzksd;lksjdlkf;sd
morgan_le_fai pointed out, Dwight Seamus got a hooker!!!
This was Dan and Emma reacting to the question: so how do you feel about that Harmione sex scene in Book 7?
Hellooo boys. Tom Felton, you can pull off a pink tie like no other.
Simm for the ladies! And as I said yesterday, his son is ridiculously adorable.
I also like that the son is more dressed up than his parents.
I feel like in this picture, DanRad was saying "We're all filthy stinking rich, bitches!" under his breath.
Twins! And their hair is somewhat out of control!
It's nice that Emma finally has a girl to hang out with at these things.
Did anyone else ever notice Filch is actually Willie Nelson's long lost twin brother?
This one's for
alphafem67. Oh Clive Owen, you are so hot.
Tennant!!! His girl's dress looks like something Tori would have worn on 90210, Y/N? She needs a choker and some Mary Janes.
Dear HBC, you're a professional actress, please don't make it look like you are actually frightened by cameras.
They need to stop bleaching this boy's hair and use his natural hair color, he's blonde enough!! And he looks 100% better. He seems like such a nice guy.
This just in: McGoogles and Fudge have been seen making out all over London.
That's hot.
Natalie Tena is super hot and I want her body. And her hair.
LOL Neville totally just grabbed Tonks' ass.
I don't know how she pulled this outfit off, but she really did it, even if she does look like a bumblebee/bird.
This picture makes me laugh not because of the people in it, but the random hand coming out of nowhere, trying to grope Rupert.
And this is a random picture from today at the Paris premiere and they look super cute.
And this is one from the Japanese premiere and it's obvious that Daniel Radcliffe is attempting to take over the world. With David Heyman's help.
I'm adding a few I stole from
green_queen LMAO how funny is this picture!?
TWINS! That hair is OUT OF CONTROL, is he trying to go for the David Tennant Mad Scientist look??
He's so much cooler than all these other kids. I just want to hang out with his and talk about music and smoke cigarettes.
ETA 2:
green_queen has a big OotP spam over
here with a ton of pictures that I didn't post, and most of them aren't watermarked because Katie wins at picspams.