
May 07, 2007 17:10

I'm sure by now most of you have heard the news about Lost having 3 shortened seasons that will run from February to May for the next 3 years.

My reaction to this news has two parts:
1. ;_____________________________________________________;


2. Between Lost not coming back until FEBRUARY >:/ and Battlestar Galactica not coming back until JANUARY, and Harry Potter being all but done with by July, what the hell am I supposed to do with myself??? I am so disappointed. I've always said there was nothing Lost could do to make me not like the show, and even though I'll still love it as much as my nerdy heart allows, I am super pissed at ABC about this. Fuckers.

Earlier today I was discussing this future horrendous fandom dry spell with superfrayed and I think we all need to become Trekkies or something, guys. God.

Maybe we can make a crazy community like read_hp, only it would be watch_lost and we can watch a new episode every week or something. Because 9 months is waaaay too long. Ugh. ETA: LOL watch_lost. *high fives you all*

Anyway. I have a ton of crazy 3rd grader stuff for you guys today.


Me and my friends soll a be on the gran and we wus fratin uv the be.

Borat as a 3rd grader:

I shown my mom the objecd, that looks vere nies she saed.

Best Ending Lines:

1. All we did was laugh, ha, ha, and ha.
2. And we lived happily ever richer.
3. They were so cool. Ch-ching.
4. And the little baby dragons grew up and lived happily drinking blood.
5. We were so happy that we had a super sleepover and all we did was party!!!
6. I love earth is very big. Moon is very short.

Weirdest objects found in sandbox:
- An air conditioner
- A hedgehog named Beethoven Angel
- An animal with a fish's head, a lion's mane, wearing a mask and a hula hoop, made of obsidian. Yes, obsidian.

3rd graders who don't sound anything like 3rd graders:
1. In front of me was an impish, grassy, wrinkly, undersized, pink-eyed creature.
2. The kid whose mystery object was taken to the "CSI HQ."
3. "Oh and I'm sorry I forgot to mention my name, Bill Gates."

3rd graders who totally sound like 3rd graders:
1. The kid that found a watch engraved with the date 1990: "I was shocked that it was from a long time ago."
2. The kid who found a big pile of barf that was "slimee as a million slugs" which in the end turned out to be his little brother, whom he referred to as "The Little Playground Puke."

Makes you wonder where this kid lives:
We will give all the money we found to people who live under a bridge or people who can't even afford to live under a bridge.

3rd grade love:
"We all know you like him. Uh. So do you guys..."
"No. EW gross!"
"He has a mole!"

The Girliest Girl ever names the little fairies she finds:
Rose, Cutie, Sweet, Heart, Puppie, Doggie, Pinky, Lulu, Rolly, Sparky, and my favorite...BLUE BALL.

Characters in the story the Kid Most Likely to Become a LARPer wrote:
A deadly spear-throwing shade, robots, Dragon Riders, the head Dragon Rider, Galbotriches, and lots of monsters.

Spellings that would make Arthur Weasley proud:
lectrishcity = electricity

Best mispelling ever:
damnation = dimension

Other fun spellings:

ulayf = alive
galikz = galaxy
creasyl = crystal
disckisting = disgusting

fandom drought, lost, adventures in handscoring

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