Hold me, Sam. That was beautiful.

May 06, 2007 21:32

I've been watching Supernatural all day.

Father Simmons and Father Frehley LOLOL KISS PRIESTS XD I wonder how many of these old school rock references are wasted on the 14-year-olds that watch this show.

Dean. *swoon*

I don't even mind Sam all that much. I like the way his hair does the Halpert-esque flip haha.

I just started the priest episode, must go finish it now. I was glad to see Kate's mom Aunt Zelda pop up. And Rita from Dexter in that reaper episode. That may have been my favorite so far, the whole Blue Oyster Cult montage was made of win. MORE COWBELL, BABY!

Methinks I need a new icon ha ha. Who are your favorite Supernatural icon makers?? Leave me some names, plz :D You know it's just a matter of time before I start making them too.


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