Jun 27, 2005 00:31
I am busy burning my cds onto my new mp3 player so i decided to kill some time here and let you guys know what the fuck is up. let me just dive right into the bullshit --as of Saturday, I am unemployed. Found out on Thursday night...so I had three shifts to make rent and about $300 or so worth of bills. which I obviously didnt do. ooooohhh the curse of summer in the restaurant industry. even though business was building, the owner ran out of money and couldn't keep the place alive during summer. so
i arrive for work on thursday night and bam--72 hours later the restaurant is closed and I am jobless. ironically enough, just two days before, i purchased this handy this mp3 player with my dell preferred account. i am keeping it, however, because it gives me great joy and gym incentive. And so Friday morning showed its ugly face and there was a letter from LOFSA in the mailbox. In the envelope, the letter was moved so the subject statement showed right through the window:" RE: Cancellation of TOPS Scholarship." I nearly had a heart attack. I stumbled back toward the wall and sank down. Now my status, twelve hours later had become: unemployed AND scholarshipless. And very, very depressed.
Needless to say, we tried to put the biggest dent in the liquor stock there so I spent both Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights getting drunk. I took several items for my kitchen. I'm going to miss that job so incredibly much. I had the run of the show, got any shift I wanted, made good money, had senority, was getting managerial and bartending experience which is excellent in this stage of my career. And I absolutely loved my coworkers. My manager there is like a sister to me. And my brother worked there, too, and it was really fun working with him actually. Anyway, it really really sucks.
AND in case you are wondering, and i am sure you were...I lost TOPS because even though I took 24 hours, I failed one of the classes and so it didnt count as having completed 24 hours. I'm going to try to appeal, but I don't see it working. I feel so fucked.
I feel like my life is crumbling apart.
Saturday morning I woke up itching then discovered I was covered with hives. I've never had them before, never been allergic to anything ever. Hadn't worn any new lotions or fabrics or soaps or anything. Just woke up in hives. So I have concluded that I am am breaking out due to stress.
::i dont know why this world keeps turning..round and round, but i wish it would stop and let me off right now::
I am so very glad to have Brandon as my companion. I know he will be here to support me no matter what. That's most comforting.
anyway, so that's my present situation. i'll update when something positive happens.