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Aug 01, 2011 11:07

Phew. I finally finished my film noir X-Men: First Class fanfic "Dial M For Mutant", and it's clocked in at 42 pages in Word. It's the longest thing I've ever written! Before this fandom anyone who know me will tell you my stuff was usually just one shots or drabbles (with the exception of one of my Inception fics, "Back To The Start", which ended up being five chapters long. But they were short chapters). And I'd never had the impulse to write X-Men fanfiction before, even though I've been reading the comics since I was six, I've seen every episode of the animated series AND X-Men: Evolution, and I love the first two movies (X3? What's that?) There's just something about First Class that makes me have explosive bouts of creativity and writer-ey-ness.

Anyway, I got back from Ireland yesterday. We just remodeled our kitchen, so we have no food and no one knows where anything is anymore, so we ordered pizza last night, making my 4 AM jetlag induced fridge raid much more enjoyable. Seriously, cold pizza makes everything better.

The reason I haven't been on line for the past few days is that I was in Dublin for one of my cousin's weddings. She's nice but a bit boring, and she got married to a nice-but-boring farmer. The highlight of the whole thing was drinking raspberry champagne (Which is fabulous, I didn't even know they made that but it tastes awesome) and chatting with the best man, whose name was Turtle. That's his real name. Seriously. I love my family.

I don't have to go back to work until tomorrow, so today I'm unpacking and trying to clean up the kitchen. There's sawdust everywhere, and I have to figure out how to use the new dishwasher, and I still haven't found all of the forks, so it could take awhile, but I'm going to try to post "Dial M For Mutant" here on my main journal, because it ended up being forty-three posts long on the kinkmeme and it got a little squished.

Blargh, textdump. I hope my housework quiets down soon. I'm going to call up some of my friends and see if they want to go see Captain America with me some time this week, because I'm going CRAZY not seeing it. Seriously, I'm losing my shit just a tiny bit because I'm SO. EXCITED. Any reviews from you guys? I'd love to hear your thoughts before I go to see it.

x-men, cold pizza, ireland, fanfiction

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