Ich heisse super fantastische!

Mar 10, 2010 02:11

After a month or so of feeling not all that great, it was nice to experience genuinely happy-making things for a bit. And the last couple of days have been filled with such things (well, three such things, to be exact).

First of all, there was the Oscars. What can I say about the Oscars? Well, it fully cemented the raging crush I have on Carey Mulligan (as well as making me ship her and Jeremy Renner), and Christoph won the Oscar, he said "that's an uber-bingo," and I'm not sure how it was possible, but his speech made me love him even more. And, since tumbly is a veritable treasure trove for picspamming purposes:

I love her!

Would have been better with extra August and Mélanie, but I'm not complaining. Also, Quentin? Never change!

Sure, Basterds may have lost best original screenplay, but other things made up for that. One of which was Avatar losing Best Picture and Best Director. And the other? Well, it's this.


I didn't actually get to see the telecast of the big awards, because I was too busy going to see Franz Ferdinand live, and it. Was. Brilliant!!! It was everything I hoped it would be - slightly camp, slightly rock and/or roll, and completely awesome. And it only intensified the thing I have Alex Kapranos (don't look so shocked. We all know I have a thing for skinny men who happen to play guitar - it's just that usually, they act as well). His voice, the things he does with a guitar and/or microphone srand, his leather jacket, the removal of said leather jacket and subsequent riding up of his sleeve. It's a good thing they didn't play I'm Your Villain, because I was swooning enough as it was, and that song does things to me. Here, have some pictures (not actual pictures from the gig itself, because I didn't have a camera on me):

However, he is only one part of the band, and therefore only one part of the awesome. They all just work so well together, and it was a delight to watch (especially when they jumped up on to and then off from their instruments, guitar-duelled each other, or had an epic collaborative drum solo).

As for the song list, I do remember that they started with This Fire (which pleased the Hellstrom/Landa shipper in me, because in my mind that is their song) and ended with Lucid Dreams, but I can't remember the order of the rest, so I'll just list them in random order:

Take Me Out (obviously. And you know you've already had a bit to drink when you and a random chick bond whilst singing/dancing to that song a little too enthusiastically), The Dark Of The Matinee, Michael, The Fallen, Do You Want To, Outsiders, Ulysses, No You Girls, Live Alone, and What She Came For (*repeats to self "I will not make the obvious joke"*). Actually, I'm sure there was at least two more, but I can't remember.


Finally, while still riding on my post-Franz high this morning, I stumbled acrossthe thing of absolute beauty that is Der Humpink on Tumblr.

Oh, Christoph. I love you. Although, I'm a little concerned that this is the second time in five days that I've seen ukeleles used in a way that involves sexual content.

It feels so good to actually be happy for a period of a couple of days, rather than a couple of hours.

picspam, alex kapranos is sex on vocal chords, complete and utter win!, franz ferdinand, der humpink, christoph waltz can has a mf oscar, oscars

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