Yesterday was a busy day, and I ended up having work today. I'm sleepy that's for sure.
Friday was fun but eventful, It's always a little weird to me when I have a day off where I'm not home at all. I got up early to do my morning exercise routine and do a few things before my Mom came and picked me up. Also I wanted to make sure I got to visit with Miki a little more too. 9 o clock rolled around and my Mom came and picked me up and we headed off to do errands for the day! We got starbucks which we always extra enjoy when it's cold out.
We went to the eye doctor and got our eyes checked out. My eyesight has gotten worse, I wasn't aware of how bad it is but luckily they had my presciption in stock so we were able to come back later and I already have my new glasses! I love them. My Mom has perfect long distance vision and healthy eyes so she was happy for that. She needs stronger reading glasses but that's about it.
We did other errands like go to Hobby Lobby which felt like we were there forever. We went to the court house and I paid my fine somewhat begrudgingly, but it's done and behind me and I am so thankful for that. One less thing to worry about. Even though we're both pretty bad at choosing places to go eat we decided to eat at Red Lobster and I haven't been there in a while. It was so yummy, we had drinks and shrimp and biscuits and it was a good time!
We stopped by my Dad's car repair business and things are awkward between Reagan and I right now for sure. It was painfully obvious. My Mom and I ended up having a somewhat long discussion about everything. She's worried about me of course. It's hard for her to watch this. I hate that she's kind of in the middle of it. I wish things were better.
On one hand I'm happy to have my mom to talk to and things have been better and I've felt a lot more comfortable and confident sharing my thoughts and opinions with her which is a big step. I have to remind myself though that we don't see eye to eye on everything and her advice is not always the best for me. She thinks she knows me and my life a little better than she actually does. I have to keep that in mind. Things are better with us but we're still different. I'm glad she's here for me though right now.
I was excited to be home after a long day, but my plans with Phillip and Britney actually didn't fall through. I'm still somewhat in shock. I wasn't super hungry and I feel a little bad for eating two big meals in a day but also going out with my friends was nice because I wasn't feeling so hot after the talk my Mom and I had at the end of our day. We had crab and drinks and it was everyone's first time at Bayou Bill's (except for me of course) and they loved it so much. It makes me happy when I can show people cool things. Britney got a drink that was amazing and I want to go with Miki and get it. It was a mudslide, and it was really strong. Britney had two and she was definitely a little more than silly by the end of the evening.
I got to end the day talking to Miki which was a surprise since I thought she'd be asleep when I went to bed, but it ended up being a good day and the perfect way to end it.
Today I got up extra early because I had to be at work early. I'm starting my training in produce! It was fun, and I was right about it being pretty easy. I impressed everyone with my eagerness to greet all the customers. I guess most people who work in produce don't like to greet the customers, or flat out refuse to. That's not even an option in the bakery. Whatever though I'll go for the easy win. I felt pretty confident about everything I did today. I trained with Taylor, who's a girl I kind of already knew. We talk sometimes, she likes pokemon and other nerdy stuff. It was nice training under someone I know a little already. IT definitely made me feel a little less nervous.
Everyone in the bakery is upset I'm not in the bakery. It makes me feel maybe a little special that they all like me and want me back. Amanda apparently has a plan to get me back sooner and hopefully full time sooner. Come on Amanda! It sounds like I might be learning to bake at some point which is ironic since that's the Job I applied for to begin with!
Something I realized today in light of less fun events that are happening is that I've never really had an identity crisis. I've for the most part always felt pretty comfortable in knowing who I am. So that's something I'm happy for.
I'm doing my best right now and it's all I can do and I just have to keep reminding myself.
Sometimes before it gets better
The darkness gets bigger
The person that you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger
Oh, we’re fading fast
I'm stealing this from Miki!
1. What’s the wisest piece of advice your mother has ever given you?
If you're going to be stupid you have to be tough.
2. Do you prefer writing in pencil or pen?
Digitally but if I have to write on paper I guess pen
3. How did you come up with the name for your pet?
Reagan and I were sitting in bed thinking about names for a dog and we both like macaroni and cheese so obviously
4. What is the worst physical pain that you’ve ever experienced?
Either when I threw out my back, I remember laying in bed and crying because it wouldn't stop hurting. Or when I had stomach ulcers and if I ate anything my stomach would hurt so back I couldn't stand up
5. What book was so bad that you didn’t even finish it?
To Kill A Mockingbird, I just thought it was the most boring book in the world
6. Are there any colors that you refuse to wear?
7. Are there any dreams or nightmares that stick out from when you were a child?
I would have a recurring dream that I was in a car with someone and I'd be looking out of the window and I'd look over and the person driving was gone and I'd try to steer the car but I'd always end up in a wreck
8. How long do you think you could last without having intercourse?
If it's strictly penetrative sex then I don't need it ever because I'm not into the D. ;P But if it's more abstract and we're talking about in general making love with someone, It's kind of a hard question. I can go a really long time without it but I also really enjoy it as a special way to connect so I don't know.
9. Is there a specific teacher that made your life miserable?
Pretty much every art teacher I had.
10. Do you like the color of your eyes?
I'm learning to appreciate them more!
11. Do you believe that animals experience emotions in the same way that humans do?
I don't, I do think they have feelings of course. I have an explanation for why but I'm too tired/lazy to type it out right now.
12. What’s your favorite cat breed?
Ragdolls and Maine coons
13. Which 90s show do you wish they’d bring back?
Why bring it back when I can just rewatch it one million times like everything else I watch
14. Did your parents ever tell you why they chose your name?
I'm named after one of my German Aunts and they thought it was a pretty/unique name
15. What (if anything) were you bullied over when you were little?
My weight
16. Do you think you’re overpaid or underpaid?
I would like to make more money but I think I make a good amount of money for what I do/how long I've been with the company. I feel lucky
17. Have you ever killed a houseplant?
Brutally with a machete (I'm kidding)
18. On average, how many times do you wake up in the middle of the night?
0 generally
19. Which Netflix show do you think is overrated?
I dunno I don't watch any of them so I Can't say
20. What is your favorite month of the year?
October Halloween, Pumpkin things, Fall, but most importantly! My girlfriend's birthday!
But baby no, sometimes things don't work out the way we planned
To live is just to fall asleep
To die is to awake
Maybe we're meant to lose the ones we love
But I'll fight for you till then