(no subject)

May 22, 2006 08:22

I'm baaaack! That's right, I'm back from Daytona and the Book Lover's convention, which I get this odd feeling I forgot to mention in this silly little journal of mine. Nevertheless, I am back, though I haven't been home yet. But more on that after the JUICY details. (HA! I wish.)

So, the convention was -awesome.- Kari Kincade and I left from my house at around 7 a.m. on Wednesday of last week so we could get to my school on time, then we left my school for Daytona because we found out Camel, Carmel St. James, wasn't going to be arriving in Atlanta since she missed her bus. So we headed to Daytona and got situated there. But so you'll all be soooo happy for me, I drove most of the way through Florida so Kari could rest.

Then the next day we picked up Camel, after a luncheon during which they gave free books, condoms (I got an orange one. Won't use it, though), and KY warming massage stuff/lubricant (won't use that either). And then it was off to pick up Camel. Who we just took to eat, check into the convention, then we went to the little party that night. By the way, they had a party every night and I went to all of them. Got to meet some awesome people. They were all readers, authors, reviewers from magazines, and even some hot models! ^.~ Whoo for hot models! And the funny thing is, all of the cover models were complete sweet hearts or actually, one of them was really, really bashful.

So we went to all of the parties and didn't leave those until midnight since that's when they ended then we either went to Mai Tai's a bar nearby, or to get some real food afterwards. And at Mai Tai's I tried the following drinks:

Miller Light. (Only because the bartended misunderstood Kari when she ordered Mai Tais. XD)
Killua and Cream (AWESOME!)
Mai Tai (Double AWESOME!)

So yea. After the Mai Tais we all seemed a bit tipsy, but we weren't, we were hyped.

I'd give details, but there's really not that many to give. I did dance from like 9 to 12 everynight, though. That was fun, for some reason I typed ass... And I gave Camel some ideas for what to do with her business and she even said if she gets this one model to be a covermodel for her publishing company, she'll send him to me for his website since he didn't have one. His name was Jared and he won one of the awards they were giving out. He was so cute!

Then we attended the Mr. Romance Pageant. It was hilarous. The guy who held the question and answer part, as in he listened to the question first and then decided if it was "good enough" was hilarious. He kept goofing around with another guy, they were both models. And somehow ended up with Marc, a model in his lap.

Marc was hilarious too. I found out he can't read, poor dear. Funny thing! Camel gave Marc a business card and Marc was looking at it, then Andrei, a friend of/model for Camel's publishing company, took the card and flipped it right-side-up for Marc who said, "I really am dyslexic." Which he really was, poor thing. See, he apparently had them -tell- him the names of everyone he'd have to call since they don't give him a script since he can't read it. But they forgot about the fact that he'd have to draw names. He told Camel and me that he was -so- hoping they'd all have simple names. But then he found out -none- of them do. They use their writing names, nicknames, etc.

I went as Meep, by the way. At the Book Fair and LOT of authors said they loved my name and claimed they'd totally be basing a character off of me and using the nickname Meep. o.o Hope they don't get in trouble for having so many like characters. XD One even claimed she'd use Meep as a -main- character and would include one with Kari's real name. So that was all nice and awesome. We also payed homage to the AGX, Author Goddess Xtreme, weird name we've given to Christine Feehan who was really nice and seemed to remember me when I mentioned how clowns taste. XD She just shook her head and laughed when we mentioned, "All hail AGX!" Which she knows about. XD

Then later there was the last party of the whole thing. It was a bit dull, but I got to talk to Marc, that's when he told Camel and I about the whole deal with the pageant and his inability to read. But he did give me a massage. Gods he's awesome. That reminds me, too, I need to scribble his phone number off of that Happy Bunny sticker holder. No, he didn't give me the number, people don't like me -that- much, but he gave it to Camel so she could contact him about being a cover model and she used my sticker holder. I should call him once, though. Camel, Kari, and I agreed about that.

I also might be doing a little article for Camel's publishing company that will be on their page. Since I'm now apparently their mascot. XD

NOW! To pretend I'm doing work even though I have no books with me at all. >.<

Also, I petted Andrei's hair, I did ask, by the way. But I didn't ask if I could pet/play with this other guy's hair. But I was taking a picture with him and he had -really- long hair, so it was by accident, at first, however he didn't mind. So it was a happy trip. ^-^

But then Kari and I had to take Camel to Atlanta to catch her bus but we kind of missed it so we stayed with her until midnight since we were not leaving her alone in Atlanta. After we dropped Camel off, we started on the way to my home but my mom told me she didn't want me coming in at like 2 in the morning so we should get a room in Warner Robins. We never made it, Kari was really tired and I coudln't drive since she wasn't family, so we stopped in Byron. Then we headed to my school and I was late as usual since we had no clue -where- we were. XD So here I am, typing now. I have no books, by the way and I'm starving. So I'm off to the student center for FOOD.
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