Fic: "She Had the World"

Nov 08, 2009 15:01

FicMix Title: The Tears Fall Down
Title: She Had the World
Character(s)/Pairing: pre-Rayne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 697
Disclaimer: Not mine!
-Author Notes: Whoo! Fic #2 for this ficmix. Chronologically, I think it's like 3 or 4 or so. I'll have a masterlist... eventually. :P

She Had the World

She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
'Cause she couldn't ever have me

Said she won the world at a carnival
But she couldn't ever win me
'Cause she couldn't ever catch me


But I'm sure I didn't ruin her
Just made her more interesting

River tossed up the little paper crane she'd gotten from the town's small festival, blowing hard in a vain attempt to keep it aloft. It fell back on her face and she giggled, child-like and gleeful.

Jayne, laying on the grass beside her, just rolled his eyes. "You moony-brained little brat. What're you doing?"

River stretched her arms up towards the sky, balancing the little pink paper wings on her index fingers. "Cranes are meant to fly." She tossed it up again and it fluttered back down onto her chest.

"Well that one ain't ever gonna fly. It's made o' gorram paper."

River giggled again. "The obvious! Jayne informs us that you are only made of paper, little Grus japonensis."

Jayne stretched his neck over to peer at her. "What?"

She ignored him.

He just rolled his eyes again and shifted his arm under his head. It was a nice day, and even though he'd gotten stuck with a little bit of River-sitting, he wasn't going to let it get him down. The planet they were on had just gotten into Spring - at least in that hemisphere - and they were celebrating in villages all over. The specific one they'd landed near had invited the crew to their little festival, and of course Mal had conceded to Kaylee's request that they attend. It'd been fun - good food, at least, and pretty women all decked out in local flora.

Jayne was just about ready to go and see what they looked like without all the flowers.

"When's your brother an' Kaylee gettin' back?" he asked suddenly, not looking over to her.

"Soon," River answered. "Simon does not trust you; he thinks you are not an adequate guardian."

"Yeah, like you can't kick anyone's ass on your own three an' a half times over. Gorram idiot." He paused. "Your brother, not you."

"Appreciate the distinction, but though when he is compared to my intellect that may be true, it is still not nice to say." She stuck her tongue out at him. "You enjoy causing Simon distress."

Jayne snorted in amusement. "Well... yeah. Man's got a gorram stick up his pi gu the size o' all Osiris. I ain't about to let him get away with bein' all uppity." He turned over onto his side, staring at her thoughtfully. "'Sides, he don't even trust me to sit on the ruttin' grass an' listen to your prattle for an hour or so. There ain't much I could do to you that ain't been done already."

River didn't answer for a moment. "You could sexually assault me."

"What?!" Jayne shot up, sitting straight-backed and utterly incredulous. "You... Girl, don't even joke 'bout that 'less you want me strung out an' not breathin'." He glared at her.

She returned his gaze with an arch look of her own. "It is not assualt if I let you."

"You tryin' to get me in trouble? What, now you'r go'n twist my words an' tell the doc an' Mal that I been tryin' to sweet talk you into my bunk? That ain't funny and ain't nothin' of no kind o' sexual nature's ever happenin' 'tween us; the only way I'm even comin' close to sex with you is if the words 'ain't havin' are between them words in a sentence."

"You are very defensive, man-with-a-girl's-name," she said, and he could have sworn she sounded cross. "Is the girl so unappealing?"

"Don't have a thing to do with appeal. You're little an' crazy and I'm big, old, an' mean. Well," he amended, "I ain't old. But I'm not near as young as you. We'd go 'bout as well together as... as two things that go real bad together. Like bullets an' skin. Or Mal an' a good idea."

"Captain should have good ideas; he just does not."

"Okay, well what the hell ever, I know that genius brain o' yours gets what I'm saying."

"Yes," she said quietly. "I do."

"Good. Now shut up for a while; I'm 'bout to take a quick sleep." He laid back down and closed his eyes. River watched him silently, her eyes sparkling in the warm, warm sun.


Feedback always appreciated!

genre: general, rating: pg, chapter: she had the world, fic: tears fall down, misc.: ficmix, length: 501-1000 words, character: river tam, genre: friendshippy, character: jayne cobb

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