Apr 05, 2006 15:45
So, I'm at the EXCEL center, you know, doing my thing. I had just replaced the top plastics and the top bezel to our EXC 600m when a friend of mine, Emily, IMs me saying that her computer is running slow. Of course, I know my friends and I know Emily...therefore I know there is a huge possibility of a disgusting ammount of spyware and probably a virus or ten. So when she walked in the door with a Mac, I was completely comfused...
And so I update Norton Antivirus thinking that this was preposterous...after all, Shane told me that there was only 1 virus on the entire internet that could infect Macs and it was hard to get...
But Behold, I check her history in Norton and find that one virus in her quarenteen from back in January. Not one scan has been run since...so here I am, running a virus scan (laughs histerically) on a Mac.
I am the first person to ever have to run one in the EXCEL Center.
Oh, and just because I'm frustrated, this was the converstation I've had all too many times here...
"Hi may I help you?" -me
"Uh...yeah...my computer keeps popping up saying I have a virus?" (note the question mark, they say this as if it were a question) -user
*blank stare* -me
"And I ran a virus scan and it found a virus?" -user
*continued, intensified blank stare* -me
"and my computer's running slow and keeps doing wierd things?" -user
*bites lip to refrain from laughing and continues to stare...blinks* -me
"and it's been like a week that it's been doing thing and it keeps getting worse?" -user
"okay" -me
"do you think maybe it has a virus?" user
Yes, I think maybe it has a virus.
I really really want a Mac, even with a virus this thing runs gorgeous. I'm in love.