Apr 23, 2008 16:12
Yesterday I went into the city and met with my Director's Craft professor to discuss the script for my final year film. He gave some really good advice and suggestions.
Then I walked down to the IFC Center theater and saw Anamorph, a new movie starring Willem Defoe. It was great! Serial killing as artwork. And the art in the film was really awesome. Also Mick Foley was in it. But yeah, very bad ass movie. Lots of neat things with cinematography and stuff.
Then I ate at this Mexican restaurant and read the Green Mile. I finished it last night. I think I've read it...three times? Maybe. It's good.
After eating I walked to the PIT and saw Comic Book Club. When I got there, one of the hosts Pete, came over and said hi, like he usually does and asked if I went to the NY ComicCon. I said I had not. He then said that he felt bad because they got their tech guy "booth Man" a free pass and probably could've gotten me one, "Next year." he said. I was flattered that they'd even consider me. :D
Last Saturday I actually saw a play called The Dumb Waiter (written by Harold Pinter) at the PIT. It was very good, just two guys, one room and it lasted about an hour or so. But the the two actors were very into their roles and made it funny and tense. If any of you are in/around the city on Friday or Saturday, it's playing at 8pm at the PIT (29th St. between 7th and 6th ave, between a subway and a Japanese restaurant) and you should go.
I then got on the train home and when I got off, Mr. Sidnam called me and asked where I was, I told him and he said, "Wait." He then walked to where I was because he was on the same train! We went to a diner and then I dropped him off.
While on that train, my mom called me. She sounded stressed so I immediately thought a family member was dead. I was wrong, turns out our upstairs neighbor got arrested! A little back-story:
He's a saxophone player,a pretty good one. He also seems very crazy. He runs around upstairs, slamming doors, jumping, screaming, swearing at the top of his lungs, pretty much everyday. Whatever. But apparently last night he went on for two hours, and it was "5 times worse than it ever has been." my mom had said. He eventually went outside to his door (the front door goes to his place, the side door to ours) and started slamming it and cursing repeatedly. My mom and the next door neighbor called the police. When they finally came, he had his hands in a bag. The police told him to get them out of it, and he did not. He got tackled and spent the night in jail. He's back and hasn't been making much noise. Crazy.
I've been taking lots of pictures in the city of just random things. I've got my sister's point-and-shoot, Olympus so they're not amazing or anything, but it's pretty cool.
Friday is a Cloud Minder show/Evan and Jay's birthday. Weeee.
I'm listening to the new Russian Circles album and it's good. Not much differing it from the other one I have though. It seems like a lot of instrumental/sludge bands have that problem.
I was heating up some leftover calamari today in the oven, and five minutes later my cat Poop started yowling. Now, usually, when he does this, I can call his name and he'll run over to wherever I am and be fine. but this time he wouldn't. I walked into the kitchen and he kept yowling at me. I opened the oven and some smoke was coming out. I took out the calamarararararari and opened a window and let some of the smoke out. In about two minutes he calmed down. He's done this before too. It's good to have a feline smoke detector. =)
cloud minder