Numerology Vibes for 15th, Feb. 2023

Feb 14, 2023 17:55

Numerology Forecast 2/15/2023

To teach is to learn, to learn fully who do we teach?

We are singular entities that are all interconnected. Today the numbers remind us of that interconnection, the social aspect. As we connect, we learn, we teach (if only by example), &

we grow our knowledge & understanding. Travel is in the #’s as well be it mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually!

Travel is most apt to be in relation to where we can learn, grow, teach, be an example, influence/be influenced, or otherwise grow in knowledge & understanding.

Today is about engaging with the world outside of you that you may grow the world within & beyond. We are part of a collective that has diversity & unity. We are completed in both the inward and outward journey yet the numbers today emphasize the outward journey where we find diversity within oneness and oneness within diversity - my thought here is of the Yin/Yang flowing or swirling one into the other and back but always part of one another.

With interaction (inward & outward) there is always change. These changes, shifts, is also where we find greater truths, where mysteries are resolved, and where through our sensitivities (awareness) we gain better alignment. In this better alignment we are better able to balance the dualities & multiplicities of being part of this existence. An existence that calls us to wonder and wander.

Today is a great day to read and more so to write (or record in some manner) what we learn, what we teach, and how we experience the mind/body/spirit!

Caveat & Disclaimer - The daily numerology is general; for informational purposes only. You have the FREE WILL to create, to design your life, how or if numerology will or won’t be part of it. These vibrations are the general vibrations of this day, your PERSONAL numbers, often 5-10 core numbers will better determine what & how numerical vibes will impact you

Comment with questions or thoughts!
Specific Numbers for the Day
Major #’s: 6,15,24 - 2/15
Minor #’s:2,3,8,10,12,17,19,21

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#occult, #numerologyforecast, #numerologist, #numerology, #psychic, #divination, #writing, #esoteric, #spirit, #change, #spirituality, #astrology, #truth

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