Today’s Tidbits 2/14/2023
Why is today special or sacred to you?
Here are some reasons or ways that people around the world find today to have meaning, purpose, be sacred, and some quotes from people who have been born on this day!
Happy Valentine’s Day - Extraterrestrial Culture Day - Library Lovers Day - Int’l Book Giving Day - Christianity: St. Matilda Day - 1404: Birth of Philosopher Leon Battista Alberti.
“A man can do all things if he but wills them.” & “No art, however minor, demands less than total dedication if you want to excel in it.” - 1838: Birth of Inventor Margaret E. Knight.
“Ethical teaching is weakened if it is tied up with dogmas that will not bear examination.” - 1895: Birth of Philosopher Max Horkheimer.
“The task of critical reflection is not merely to understand the various facts in their historical development (...) but also to see through the notion of fact itself, in its development and therefore in its relativity.” - #TodaysTidbits #history #religiousstudies #rel2300 #onthisday #philosophy #librarylovers #inventor #stmatilda #christianity #valentinesday #hccfl #maxhorkheimer #books