Jul 04, 2007 20:45
I got my cable fixed! No more free channels though. However, my Video OnDemand is now functioning on both cable boxes. The lady who helped me over the phone was very friendly. When it started working, I got quite excited, and she laughed at me.
Before the cable came back, I was sitting in the living room reading (yeah I figured out what people did before cable), when I heard a horrible noise. It was kind of like a squeak mixed with a hiss. I looked around my apartments to see what could be making such a noise, but I couldn't find anything. I finally looked outside and saw this squirrel looking in at me. This squirrel was freaking out. I walked outside and it didn't even run away. I didn't want to get to close to it because it seemed like something was wrong with it. As I was going back inside, it jumped to my bedroom window ledge. When I went out to look at it later it was still making the noise but was almost hanging off the ledge. It looked suicidal. Again I didn't want to get too close. I walked outside again about a half hour later and saw it jumping from window ledge to window ledge, and eventually it went down to the parking lot. Anyway, now I know what a squirrel sounds like.
Changing the subject, I've been having weird dreams lately. Even weirder than usual. Yesterday I woke up in the middle of a zombie dream. Last night I had a dream about cheese puffs. They grew on trees. The way they would "bloom" is by popping out of the tree (making the sound popcorn makes in the microwave). It could be attributed to the extra food indulgences I've had during my days off. I've also started drinking soft drinks again (in moderation). I quit taking the medicine that has the side effect of making soft drinks taste bad.
I know this was my second entry today. I'm making up for lost time. Ooh I hear fireworks!