prompt set #6

Jan 16, 2010 07:57

1. Color: White

2. Image: Field of Flowers

3. Emotion: Contentment

4. Challenge: Ever been in the middle of a really good dream or one that you want to fully understand the meaning of but suddenly you start to wake up right in the middle for whatever reason?  Some people believe you can slide right back into the same dream if you don't move too much or wake up fully.  So try it.  If you are in the middle of a dream and you wake up, try getting back into the same dream to get to the end before waking up again.

5. Quote: "When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality." ~ Dom Helder Camara

6. Lyrics: Dreams -- Fleetwood MAc
Here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself, yeah
It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of Loneliness, like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering
What you had, And what you lost
Oooh, says what you had, you know what you lost

7. Symbolism:
1) angel: symbolic of goodness and purity; if the angel is a messenger from God, then the message is very important and must be given serious attention
2) brother: meaning depends upon relationship with one's brother; if the relationship is bad, it shows that deep inside you love your brother
3) couch:  symbolizes being in love (when sitting next to someone you love) or it can mean laziness (if sitting in front of the television)
4) digging: Can symbolize many things. It can mean finding something that has been lost, reviving old reputation, or even trying to understand oneself
5) eleventh hour: This shows that whatever the dreamer is doing, time is running out on him or her

what: prompts

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