In command of the little children!

Jul 09, 2010 09:18

Completely forgot that this weekend is my old dance school's show, and that this year I've been asked to help out along with my parents. Usually my dad is 'security' on the stage door, my mom is the runner calling groups to the stage, and I'm usually either watching, at uni, at a tournament or floating around inbetween.

This year, my dad is still on security (we think), but my mom has been asked to be assistant stage manager. So I got asked to take over mom's old job of runner- which is pretty cool, because I really love chatting to the girls! The younger groups always ask if I used to dance, and when I say yes I get asked lots more questions. It's also quite a big responsibility- especially seeing as this is the first year they'll be performing at Arden Hall instead of the Dovehouse Theatre. I know Arden Hall like the back of my hand, so I reckon I should be pretty good at gauging when to bring the next group down to side-stage.

Anyway! Today is my dad's birthday. And it's going to be pretty uneventful, as he's at work til 12.30 then going to the pub to see my godfather. Depending on how much he's had to drink by the time I get there around 2.30/3pm, me and mom are taking him for dinner. And that's pretty much it.

I'm off to town soon to buy his birthday card. I've actually been looking for a card for over a week, but me and my dad don't do mushy 'cutesy' cards. We do friendly mickey-taking cards, humour section all the way. And so far I have seen nothing I like!
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