Another day at work, another good deed done. Simply by the fact that I live on public transport.
Kate was trying to find the most cost-effective way to get someone from Stoke to Brighton next week, and was hitting £180 train fares and £80 coach fares. I'd already done my work for the day, and overheard her talking about the dates and locations on the phone. I fired up and looked it up for myself, wondering what the journey was like.
And then wondered why I was getting a return fare of just under £70 in comparison to Kate's £170. So I told her, and she quickly found it herself, and I was thanked heartily for saving the Union about £100.
My good deed for the day! Made even better by the fact that she's just taken a phone call from another member of staff and is giving me full credit for finding the cheapest route :)
I'm currently writing fanfiction. Why, I'm not sure, I had a random idea on the bus this morning and just HAD to write it when I got to work. It's looking to be longer than my standard 1500 word pieces too, with ideas already in my head for sequels. Good good!
Finally making headway on my other joint writing project too. Well, sounds like both of us are. Looking forward to seeing how that works out, but I know for a fact that I'm going to give it everything. I want it to work.
Had the night off art last night, long day at work and an hour in front of a hot oven cooking my dinner took it out of me. So I watched the whole 1996 black comedy series Asylum and half of Snuff Box instead. And loved both, I have to say.
Tonight, I need to start work on that red canvas. I suddenly had the idea to make the image I'm painting onto it navy blue instead of black, as the colour scheme would better reflect the subject of the image. After a quick opinion poll of my friends online, navy blue on red it will be.
Also need to tidy up before the house party tomorrow- sounds likes its going to be more of a social gathering, as more people are away than I originally thought.
Oh, and I'm tempted to go into Hanley tomorrow morning JUST to go to WHSmiths and pick up a magazine. I'll think on that later.
If it weren't for the fact that Kate and Sid are here, I'd have just punched the air and whooped in happiness.
Just received this week's payslip. As I only did 3 hours last week, I knew it wouldn't be much.
I forgot I work in the education industry, if only on a technicality. And I forgot to think that term is over, and it's the holidays.
I got holiday pay, even though I worked a shift.
:D:D:D This solves a couple of problems!
Edited 2
this music video- as well as some of my favourite comedy actors being the stars, the concept suits me perfectly.
When I'm painting, I stick a TV show or film on in the background. And I know how long I've been painting by multiplying how many times the program has played by how long it is.
I lost 4 hours to painting one night- I knew that because St Trinians had looped round two and a half times.
Oh, and if I'm ever in a car on my own with no-one around and music playing, I WILL sing and dance. Not to the extent in the video though.
Last time I did that, two parking wardens appeared from nowhere and gave me very strange looks. And a round of applause. But no parking ticket, thank god!