May 15, 2008 14:01
The fact that a fair amount of my face is bright red just proves how much fun I had at Alton Towers yesterday. The weather was absolutely beautiful- and the sun was a godsend when we came off the Battle Galleons at Mutiny Bay absolutely dripping wet (And I mean dripping. It was as if we'd dived into the bay fully clothed). Rita, Air, Nemesis (front row! Amazing ride), Spinball Whizzer, Oblivion...the longest we had to queue for was about half an hour to get on Air, but nobody really minded in the weather. Ended up playing frisbee in the grounds by the lake before going back to Stoke- brilliant end :)
After grabbing my laptop, new hard drive (called Miranda ^_^) and a Paul from Mike's house, four of us trooped back to Stafford. I had a fleeting desire to go to the last Gobble of the year at the LRV- then thought on how busy it would be and how much I wasn't really in a 'go-out-and-drink' mood. My evening in Stafford was far more to my current style! It was really nice just to sit and chat to Paul for a bit, don't see him often enough any more. Finally got Photoshop back on my laptop (CS3!) and have started to collect videos and music again to give me something to watch/listen to back in my house.
Added benefit of coming back to Stafford was the fact that I could sleep in til 7am this morning. Matt and I swapped work shifts, so I'm now working 9-3 and he's doing the 3-8 graveyard shift; suits me fine, I'd still much rather get up early than have to walk/get the bus to the train station to be able to get back to Stoke, adding at least another half an hour onto an already long day.
(And it's not like I wouldn't have got up stupidly early anyway, even if I wasn't due to start work til 3pm)
Somehow that's reminded me I need to phone Bytetech. They called me yesterday (while I was in the Charlie and the Chocolare Factory ride, annoyingly) to ask for my password- silly me forgot to write it down for them so they could actually test my computer properly! Saw Chris (another Chris! The one who works for Bytetech) on the bus this morning and had a brief chat to him about it and uni/life in general. It was pretty cool, and means I have another new friend at uni :)
Right. Back to work I go, I have the rest of May's issue of GKNews to put up on the Union website by 3pm!
May GK is up, woo :)
And got myself free lunch from the union- the kitchen order system broke again, meaning my order went missing. I didn't notice, Keith did, and came to ask me if I'd had my food yet. I'd been too busy working (rare, I know) to notice that it'd been 45 minutes and it still wasn't here. A couple of minutes later he came back and gave me £2.50. "It's taken ages, they're cooking it now. Sorry about that."
Okay...Cool! It's one of the good staff on kitchen today too; just had my food delivered to my desk (joys of working next to the bar) and it's piping hot and cooked just as I like it.
Also- just found out Robots in Disguise are playing Sugarmill on the 28th. Tempted...