May 13, 2008 12:32
Uni summer is great when everyone (or nearly everyone) has finished for the year. Random barbeques and trips to places rock, as does the gorgeous weather. I don't even mind being sat here at work, because I can see the sun from the huge windows either side of the reception area :)
Work yesterday involved me re-working more of the office systems manual, sorting out rosters now Seyi has found a couple of people willing to cover Stafford (AMAZINGLY helpful to me!) and writing. I wrote a 3 page fanfic in the space of an hour and posted it on a site. Within 12 hours I had 2 very positive reviews, one asking me to write more. So I will, as soon as my small to-do list of work today has been cleared.
Had a good night with friends last night, a real laugh :) Going to Alton Towers with the fencing lot tomorrow! Really looking forward to going back on Air, Rita and Nemesis, as well as checking out the new Mutiny Bay area.
And I've finally got my potential co-writer in the same mind-set I am :) Subjecting him to a bit of DVD madness worked perfectly, so we know what we're trying to achieve now. Not going to say any more on the subject except 'keep your fingers crossed and watch this space'! Even if it all comes to nothing, it's already been a brilliant exercise in characterisation and backwards engineering :)