Well, it's come down to this. I used to think friends only was silly
because i really dont post about any classified material that i dont
want people to know about. The thing is, I only post about my kids.
Then i thought about it. I post about my kids.. and sometimes have even
put pictures of them on my journal. And because of recent activity, no
not done to me, but to a friend, i've decided it's time i protected
myself and my children and put all of my stuff behind a friends only
If I know you and want you to know my business, you're friended.
I've also recently done a purge to people who dont read my journal
anymore, or who seem to have fallen out of touch. If you'd like to be
friended, please make sure I know you.. or one of the people i know can
truly vouch for you before you comment on my friends page. Not to be
rude, but if you're a complete stranger and no one i know .. knows you,
I probably wont add you.
Thanks, and I'm sorry to close my journal off like this. If you dont
see anything other than memes or quizzes, and you're one of those
people i've no reason to have cut... please.. it might have been a
mistake... IM me and i'll add you back.
Much love,
P.S. As soon as i figure out how to post pictures on here so you see
the picture (yes i'm an LJ idiot) I'll get a friends only picture..
maybe.. to keep you entertained!
P.P.S Here's your picture.