Don't you monkey with the monkey

Feb 18, 2008 10:20

So like I do occasionally, I've started getting crafty. I love making things. Artsy things or jewelry things or clothing things. I'm okay at it, but I need a creative outlet. Unfortunately I have very limited space in my apartment to really spread out and make a big mess. So either my creative outlet suffers, or the quasi-cleanliness of my apartment suffers. For now it's the latter. I'm living in artific squalor.

But I made stuff! I'm actually wearing a pair of earrings right now - quasi-Victorian filigree wrapped cameos. It was a successful experiment, I think. Exciting. I may attempt to sell these things. And also to crochet a few fuzzy bags like the one I made a few years ago that I got a lot of comments on. That is a ridiculous purse that can also be worn as a hat. If you like looking as though a muppet is eating your head. I know I do.
I know, pictures or it didn't happen. I'll get some pictures up soon.

I tugged my class grade in Microbiology up significantly after kicking some serious posterior on the last test. And subsequently tanking a lab quiz because I studied the wrong stuff entirely. Go me! But that's alright, lab quizzes are only ten points (I got 6) and the test was like... 160. I got 151.4 points and the class average was 130.37. Class consensus seemed to be that this test was harder than the first, but as is apparent by my grade, I thrashed it quite soundly. Huzzah.

This morning I lay in bed, dozing between the snooze alarms and had the hazy, concerned thought that it was actually Tuesday and I'd forgotten to go to class Monday night. I don't know why I had this thought, honestly. But it was very disorienting and has had me asking 'wait, what day is it?' pretty much all day. Argh. Annoying.
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