
May 19, 2016 00:15

Moana Hawke. Warrior/Blue Hawke. Served at Ostagar. Long inseperable from her brother, Carver. After his death during their escape from Lothering, she vowed never to return to Ferelden. After she lost her brother, she became very protective of her remaining family. Refused to let Bethany go to the Deep Roads. Has a somewhat strained relationship with her sister -- who tends to think Moana is a bit too overprotective. Very big on law and order. Besties with Aveline. Rivalmanced Merrill, whose obsession with demons she could never understand but whose kind nature she loves. Stood against Anders after the chantry attack, killing him. Hesitantly backed the templars over the mages.

Mira Hawke. Purple Mage. An apostate in a magical family, Mira grew up studying magic with her sister Bethany and her father. After the death of both of them in a short period, Mira became more withdrawn. Has a very tense relationship with her brother, Carter, and uncle, Gamlen. Carter has always been jealous o fher magical talents, and Gamlen has never worked to help support their family. Besties-with-benefits with Isabella, though she stopped that when she fell in love with Merill. Moved in with Merill. Supported the mages and Anders, and spared his life during the start of the Kirkwell rebellions.

Quinn  Hawke. Red warrior. A very practical and blunt woman, Quinn got along well with her equally normal brother. Always willing to do the dirty deeds that need to be done, Quinn doesn't feel bad about getting her hands dirty. She struck up an early friendship with Fenris, as both often felt isolated and angry. To their surprise, it quickly became more than that and the two became utterly inseperable. She didn't support Anders during the Kirkwall uprising, but she backed the mages and spared his life. 

character compendium, dragon age ii

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