Hair today...

May 02, 2007 10:41

I washed my hair with shampoo this morning for the first time in four months. I felt like such a traitor to my Curly Girl regimen, but I want to forestall the resurgence of a scalp condition that I have had before, which seems to be coming back. My hair didn't seem any less nor any more curly today after the shampooing. We'll see how it goes.

A lot of people seem to have strong opinions on what I should do with my hair in terms of style, length, and color. That's cool, but basically I like having long hair and I am content with its current length, style (or crazy lack thereof), and color. I did say I would cut it if I didn't get cast onto the Mark Burnett pirate reality show, and then I didn't get into the show NOR cut my hair. Ho hum.

Oh well, just call me Rapunzel! :)

vanity, hair

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