Haven't Written, Cause Haven't Done

Dec 06, 2005 10:47

We bought a house a month ago or so. Should be finished building between June and September 06. Debbie is happy because its 2 stories. I just cannot wait to move out of our apartment in Tampa; damn kitchen is too small.

Playing the stock market the past few months has been fun. Doing well so far, but I pay too much attention to the market during the day, especially during class. It's exciting though, and there's something about the possibility of losing your money that wakes you up in time for market open in the morning. But trading will have to take a break once we put the bulk of our savings back into a down payment when the house is done.

Been learning a lot in my courses this semester. Finally learning some really applicable material, which makes me more confident I'll find good employment in May. Programming is a lot more fun than it was in high school (C++), now with the use of Visual Studio. Working with C# and VB of late. I actually enjoy getting new programming assignments.

Commuting back and forth from Gville to Tampa has not been so great. The drive itself is not bad at all, considering we live in the northeast part of Tampa. But, living in a hotel room 3 days a week is the killer. Especially on Tuesdays when Debbie goes into work, and I am usually carless and trapped in my 20x12 cage all day. I do enjoy the continental breakfasts though. My next and final semester will be even worse when I will most likely be crashing at Doug/my sister's place.
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