oh, what a sweet first week of school

Aug 27, 2009 10:52

Let's not state the obvious and ignore the gap between dates in my journal entries, yes? Let's focus on the fact that I am starting my third year in college, so to speak, and it's off to a wicked start. A lot has happened within this week, especially at the start of it, but it's been a crazy ride that I am learning from and definitely remembering forever. Wanna know what has me on a high?

It started off with a crazy Monday, my parents and me running up and down the city of Hialeah to cash in the check that has paid for my classes. I lost my financial aid (working on getting back) and so we sought help from one of my dad's "friends." My family -- which simply is my household and the next door neighbors -- have decided to take care of dropping off and picking up the babies of the families, rather than spend almost 80 bucks a month on a bus doing the job; this has been the most hectic thing ever, really. I also received my lovely monthly gift on Monday, along with painful cramps that made it impossible to attend school on Tuesday, so I can tell you now that Tuesday was uneventful.

Wednesday, oh boy. I tried to brave my cramps and attend school, against my mother's concerns and wishes, and found myself getting into my very first car accident! I sound excited, but I'm not. I'm simply intrigued by it because, hello, it was the first and the first of anything is always intriguing. I'm fine and so is my car, but her rear is fucked up and stamped with the Nissan logo kiss of death. The "violator" was a 23 yr old nurse who - from what I heard as she bawled on her cell phone -- is a disaster on the street as my car accident was, apparently, her fifth. The front of her car was SMASHED. Everyone came to my rescue but I was fine and I even attempted to go to school and attend my last class for that day. The professor wasn't there. I wasn't angry about the situation at all because, I had gone to school and made the attempt. So, poo on her.

And, alas, here we are on Thursday! Yes, this is my first time writing a journal entry that isn't being posted HOURS after the day is done. I am here at school, in a computer lab (duh), excited to write that I have finally found my muse to stay in school. I found motivation on Monday but god, my English professor, is a beast.  He is like the Dumdbledore that I used to dislike because I loved the first one -- who is the equivalent of my 12th grade AP English teacher who is my complete idol when it comes to English -- and then I fell for because of how awesome he was in the sixth film. This man is a renaissance man, he knows everything. He's snarky! He's funny, he's witty, he looks like Dumbledore, and, evidently, he wears no underwear....He knows what he's talking about and he gives us insight on every aspect of life. It does help that our course is starting off with the pimpest of Literature -- Existentialism. I just know that I'm going to love the class. I mean, it's the second day of his class (my first, since I missed it on Tuesday) and we were watching a movie! Papillon, which I have to see in its entirety. What a bad ass.

I am really excited about this all and I can't wait to see my next English professor (I have 3 English classes this semester, sweet) and I can only hope that she's just as cool. Or well, close to his coolness cause he is now second on the top list of most awesome teachers ever.

me, blog

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