welcoming in the summer

Jul 07, 2009 02:58

Nothing can compare to summer vacation. I'm here with my little sister, leisurely typing away, enjoying each others' company -- at three in the morning on a barely born Tuesday. With summer vacation comes the time to do whatever the heck you want and the option of doing none of it. I, of course, always check that box every summer that comes by. By nature, I'm extremely lazy and sloth rivals my cardinal sin of wrath. But, what can I do? You spend most of the year running about with your head cut off, doing this, rushing that...Summer is the time to relax.

I finally got around to change my layout, made by the amazing thrashmetal , and I think I'm going to do it every month or two. I'm pretty happy about how it came out and man, it really sets me at ease when I do something that's been on my shoulders for a while. I think everyone's like that. Oh! Today is my former best friend's birthday, she turns 20. We used to be the greatest of friends, inseparable, but around sophomore year, she moved to California and well...you know what distance like that changes people, estranges relationships. We stay in touch via Facebook but eh, our friendship will never be the same. So, happy birthday former bestie!

blog, love

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