movie bending

Jun 22, 2009 23:23

Finally! After months of waiting to see some sign of life for The Last Airbender movie, the full teaser trailer came out tonight! And the ten second tease that they showed last night truly made me excited for the movie. I may not like the casting decisions nor M. Night's directing -- even if I do think he has potential -- but I really don't want the movie to truly fail because, in the end, I am an Avatar fan. Now, if the actual trailer that I am sure will be shown later this year sucks, I will pray with all my heart that the movie implodes. I am actually hoping it does because Hollywood needs a lesson/bitch slap to the face. You cannot whitewash everything because not everyone in the universe is white.

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But, while many are disgusted with Aaang being portrayed by cute, fat, little Noah Ringer, I have always pictured Aang to be Caucasian or rather, that heart of gold, free spirited American kid that you just love. So I am okay with the choice -- for the moment.

If he isn't cute or is just too fat for the role of a light airbender, I will blast fire in M Night's direction and LJ will be illuminated by the rage of the angry fans. It is the lack of ethnicity in the damn main casting that has me pissed. Katara is not white, she is brown. So, why is the actress playing her a goddamn Scandinavian princess? How was it possible and humanly logical to even consider that moron Jesse McCartney for such a complex character as Zuko? Why is Sokka not being portrayed by Dev Patel who truly looks great for that part? The world may never know.

And I honestly cannot wait to see these people in all their Hollywood glory, blanched of Asian culture, wearing kimonos and dancing to Hindu mantras. So, yes, all in all, I hope the movie fails. But back to my impression of the trailer! It was incredibly bland and revealed nothing about the show it is trying to present in live action form. Actually, if one were not a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, one would never realize what the fuck just happened in that one minute and forty-one seconds. It would look like another martial arts movie but with no purpose. No one would care. My problems with what was shown? One, why is Aang moving so ridiculously slow? He is supposed to be light, fast, a true Airbender. I feel that Noah made Aang 50 pounds heavier. Two, the karate chopping motions were lame and totally taken out of a Tae Kwon Do youtube lesson. Three, yes, I understand that the movie has to be a compilation for more than 20 episodes, but I do not see why Aang would be alone at the air temple, blowing out fucking candles when there is, apparently, a fleet of fire nation ships attacking the temple. Where is the correlation between candle blowing and...preparing for fire nation? And four! That hideous font they are using for the movie. Harry Potter rip off anyone?

Now, I understand that I am coming off as a complete bitch and anti-avatar fan but I am not and if I was, do you think I would honestly spend so much time and consideration and emotion into speaking out about the movie? Avatar is, to me, the greatest cartoon show ever and it is by far my favorite show ever. Period. I hate Katara but I ship Zutara, I love Azula, and my favorite pairing is a tie between Aang & Toph, Sokka & Azula, and Sokka & Suki. I even submitted an audition tape for the role of Katara. I love the series and I want the movie to represent the series in the way that it should. But when I see this trailer that, admittedly intrigued me, even if at the slightest, I cannot wish and hope that the movie becomes ridiculously great and blows my mind away -- or fails miserably. And for now, I am rooting for the latter.


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