a labyrinth of a weekend

Jun 21, 2009 23:38

So it has been a very long time since I last wrote in this journal, when I had originally promised to do almost daily? Or at least thrice a week. Keeping promises to myself is a habit I have to work on. But yeah, let's catch up!

Two weeks prior, we had gone to Orlando for a week and it was a really nice trip, a long due vacation. My best friend Grettel and her family, my mother's co-worker and her family also came along but both gangs stayed just for the weekend. We had taken Grettel to Islands of Adventures for her first time and she was extremely excited and I was honestly very happy to be her host for such an awesome experience. I finally got to ride the Dueling Dragons since the last time I went -- it was my first time -- we had no time for the roller coaster. And my Lord, it was ridiculously scary! My boyfriend and I found a route to skip the long lines to Dueling Dragons and we codenamed it "Where's John?" We would pretend to be looking for a pal who worked at the amusement park and we'd be really loud about it and when no one was watching, we'd sneak in and got into the lines so easily. That day, I had decided that every ride had to be ridden at the front row and, I have to say, Dueling Dragons' red dragon was horrifying. I was on my...ahem, period, and that blasted ride pulled at my ovaries in such a painful way that, mixed with the fright of such a fast ride and lethal heights, it was not a pretty great experience. But I still rode the ride at least four times.

My family and I stayed for a week in a resort and it was just the perfect amount of relaxation that we needed. Every morning, there was a gorgeous breakfast and every evening, a delicious dinner. We would go to bed late and then rise late in the afternoon and then lounge at the many pools they had. That week, Freddy and I were celebrating our sixth month anniversary, so it was truly a great gift for us to spend so much time together since he works and goes to school and whatnot.

Last week was very uneventful until Friday or so. Friday, I had my pocketbook stolen from it. In a theater. But let's start from the beginning. Freddy is an amazing person and because we hadn't spent enough time together, I would like to say, he came up with a surprise for us Friday night and I love him for being such a sweetheart...Now, you will never see Freddy in his actuality -- with the exception of some body parts, like shown above --- but he shares a lot of resemblance with Ryan Reynolds; personality, looks, the comedy. He would honestly be considered Ryan's little brother or a younger version of him, if they would ever be in the same room. But Freddy has a gorgeous, hotter nose and such a stunning set of eyes that just pierce into you even when he's looking at your warmly. He is also very jealous so, naturally, when I fangirl over Ryan, Freddy dislikes it and seethes. And so, I was extremely surprised when he took me out to see The Proposal on Friday night! We first went to Chipotle and had a really chill dinner, then headed out to the movies. The movie was not very funny but it was cute. And, hey, it's Ryan Reynolds. He demands my attention. So after the movie ends, after midnight or so, and as we walk to his car, I open my purse to see if I have everything in there -- cellphone, pocketbook, money. And behold! My pocketbook is gone.

Now, the thing about the pocketbook is that we didn't want to buy popcorn so we bought chips at Chipotle and on the walk to the theater, we stashed the bags of chips in my purse and I gave my pocketbook to Freddy. He held onto it and once the movie started, I took out the chips, retreated the pocketbook and I -- could have sworn -- that I put it back in my purse. It truly feels like a piece is missing in what occurred that night but the only logical answer that I can come up with as to how the pocketbook was lost is I dropped it when I thought I had put it back in the purse and after we left, someone saw it in the light and took it. I thought my mom was going to kill me when I told her Saturday morning but she didn't. We simply canceled the credit card and today, Monday, I have to go and get a new license.

But that's all for now, I guess. I'm too tired to continue writing, sadly. Maybe tomorrow, I'll write about how I feel on a certain...issue that involves my boyfriend.


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