Nov 09, 2006 02:03
I'm still here, believe it or not - though I've been busy. I've had my ups and downs but I'll sorta summarize it for ya:
I've been taking a three classes: Intro Javascript, Critical Thinking/Logic, and Beginning Voice (yes, that's singing). I'm shocked too. I'm singing. In front of people. And according to my instructor, I actually have a pretty good voice. So Hell yeah!
I dropped the Javascript class. The homework was insane. We had to log into this buggy-as-hell system and do half a dozen things with sketchy instructions. So screw it, I can learn that stuff from a book.
The logic and critical thinking class is going surprisingly well. It's tricky to understand. The stuff we're doing now is basically algebra, but very very complex nested-argument algebra, with boolean values instead of integers. But so far I'm pulling an A, which is shocking because... Well, I don't get good grades. Doesn't happen. W00t.
I've been seeing a new shrink who really seems to know her stuff. She's really helping me tackle some of this self-hating defeatist crap I've got spiraling around in the ol' noodle.
And I'm back on the Prozac. That helps too :)
Also, about a month or so ago, out of nowhere, I decided to try to learn guitar. I've been using my dad's old Yamaha that we found somewhere. It's older than I am but it sounds fantastic. And I've decided I fucking love the hell out of it. A lot. Mucho. I can't really explain it... If you'd have told me two months ago that in order to learn to play guitar that I'd have to practice at least an hour a day, I'd probably laugh. "Ain't gonna happen, bub. If you need me I'll be watching TV." But I actually can't wait to get home every day so I can play around on it. I feel cheated if I can't practice a couple of hours each day, minimum. I'd play even more if I wasn't busy with petty concerns like school and work and sleep and if my fingers could take it. It's incredibly rare that I find something that I'm really willing to read/study/practice/cram in order to learn more about. Aside from flying, actually, I can't think of anything that pegs my interest meter high enough to even potentially overcome the "why the hell should I even bother spending time on this crap" factor.
I know it'll take years to get halfway competent, but I can't wait to start writing songs and generally being a music geek :)