Jul 01, 2007 14:30
So, I watched SiCKO last night, and I must say bravo to Mr. Moore yet again. This movie reminds me of the "good ol' days" of Michael Moore, back when people could agree that there's a problem without all of the controversy. Consider me talked into the idea that health care in America is a real problem (as if I've needed any help with that in the past month).
I didn't run yesterday, but Nicole and I did take the dogs on a mile hike up at Audobon. They *loved* it. I really hope we can make a habit of it.
I did run today, and it was great. 4.8 miles, including a stop off at the house we're hoping to rent once we move out of our apartment. Again, it was tough to get going, but once I got past the initial grumpyness, things went smoothly. I've generally decided that running every other day is a much better plan than trying to run every single day. The down time is good, it makes the schedule a little easier, and it gives me an opportunity to start doing some cross-training with some weights.
Today's the last day of the mini-vacation, and I'm feeling good and ready to get back at it. I've been able to accomplish a lot for the home life in the past few days, got a lot of chore-like stuff done. I cleaned out my car, took a shit-ton of stuff to the storage unit, found a house for us to move into, finally got the dishes caught up, made significant headway in Twilight Princess, and got to spend some time with the wife. I could really get used to this "not working on the weekend" business.
Looking ahead, the next three weekends are pretty full (wedding next weekend, some sort of leadership thing the weekend after that, and then PG Training after that), but once we're through all of that the insanity of the summer starts to really calm down. We've got Harry Potter movie in a week and a half, Harry Potter book in three weeks, and then the Buffett concert right after that.
Life is good. We'll see what work brings tomorrow.