Jan 04, 2007 14:06
Well, I didn't throw myself (or anyone else) off the ship! No big post about it today simply due to the fact that there is so much to tell and since I'm at work, there's not enough time or focus I can really devote to it.
This year will be vastly different. I can already tell.
My goals (not resolutions) are as follows:
I Will:
take better care of myself.
do more things for myself.
strive to get more sleep by normalizing my sleep schedule.
laugh more.
meet more new (and hopefully interesting) people.
accept my weaknesses and not beat myself up over them.
work on accepting that there are things I cannot control.
learn to let go.
I Will Not:
be anyone's doormat.
feel bad about doing things for myself.
read things I do not need to be reading. (many of you probably have an idea of what I'm talking about)
feel guilty about things I cannot control.
There's many more, but I haven't been doing so well on that sleep one. I will make a much larger post, maybe with pictures at a later time. And I'll try to explain why I feel so different (and still for the first time in a LONG time).
I hope everyone is having a better year than the last one and is doing well.