I think one of the reasons why my parents want me to stay home at night is because my sisters are...just about never here. >.>;;;
One of my boxes came in the mail! It's like PRESENTS TO MYSELF! I'll unwrap it when my parents are up - they're not fond of me doing noisy things when it's still dark outside.
YAY TIMETABLES! Looking at them makes me so excited because they have all the courses you need laid out in a nice chart, as opposed to spending a day flipping back and forth in a course book.
It looks fascinating. Looks like most of my cores are in the morning, which I don't mind - I'd rather get them out of the way. AND NO CLASSES ON FRIDAY! AWESOME!
Now if only I could find all my registration stuff, I wouldn't be so anxious about this.
I'm bouncing between Archives and Records Management and Library and Information Science as my core concentrations. Both sound equally appealing and beneficial to future careers (either working for archives or...for a library...)
*reads elective courses*
I am soooo excited now.
...damnit. I knew this would happen.
My mother just wore my sandals, and now they don't fit me. They were my nice sandals, too.