
Oct 18, 2007 06:15

oh. my. god. last night i had a whole dream centered on janet weiss(drummer from sleater-kinney). the other s-k ladies didn't even make an appearance except when i was looking at a few pictures of all three of them. a sleater-kinney concert had just ended, and for some reason janet weiss was at my house talking to fans after the show. they didn't act like it was my house, it was just like the normal thing to do after a concert. i had tickets to a show of theirs in palo alto, so she gave me directions (she borrowed my pen, which i was very happy about, lol) to the venue, saying something about how it was near a zoo that she was probably going to go to. i wanted to say i would probably go to the zoo too, but i was too nervous to say anything other than "thanks". then there was a big party at my house honoring her, but i still never talked to her. for some reason this girl sonja from my high school was there and she was like buddy buddy with her...janet and a few other people were in my parents' room, i guess that was where the "real" party was happening, lol. at one point sonja came out and asked me if i had any cds of janet weiss. i was like, hell yes, and i frantically looked for my cd collection, but at first i could only find the covers (this was when i saw pictures of all three of them). finally i found the cds and she put on one from quasi(other band janet is in) and said that it would make good music to put on as janet's leaving. this other girl said she was going to have an exercise class with janet the next morning, and i was totally jealous. then janet left, and she had an entourage around her so i didn't get a chance to say anything else to her. some glass had gotten broken from the party but strangely my parents weren't mad. (they were at the party, which was weird now that i think about it.) after they left, i was going to sleep, and talking to my sister on the phone about how jealous i was that that girl was going to have an exercise class with her, and how cool it was that she gave me directions and borrowed my pen. then the alarm clock woke me up. all in all it was a disappointing dream. i'm a total janet weiss fangirl! haha

DUDE...so they're making a new star trek movie where they're casting new actors to the old roles, and my first thought upon hearing this was "that's gonna suck" but they gave simon pegg the scotty role! (according to imdb) so...i still kinda think it's gonna suck, but now i really hope it's good. none of the other actors are really worth mentioning. should be interesting at least to see how it turns out.

so...david cronenberg. on friday i went with nancy, brittlepoetry, and vernon to go see a special screening of "eastern promises", with cronenberg doing a q&a afterwards. not only was it raining, but i forgot the tickets i had bought for nancy and me at home (stupid). when we got there(already later than we originally planned), we decided that nancy and i would just buy our tickets there, but there was a really long line and rumor was that they were going to sell out. so vernon and brittlepoetry sold their tickets (for quite a pretty penny) because their other friends they were meeting there didn't have tickets at all, and kindly drove nancy and i home so i could grab mine. when we finally got in, we couldn't get seats together, so i had to sit behind nancy. but after the initial chaos, it was actually a pretty good movie. it was very raw, and it did have its violent moments, but like cronenberg said afterwards, there were only about 4 minutes of violence in the whole movie. then again, those 4 minutes are what you come away with. anyway, it had a good plot, the acting was good, etc. then the q&a began, and cronenberg seemed cool throughout, even though the initial interviewer kept asking really dumb questions. the people from the audience asked slightly better ones. i couldn't think of anything good, so i shouldn't talk. but i'm glad i went (for only $5!) and it was nice hanging out with nancy.

on the walk home, we were talking about horror movies, so we stopped at emerald video and got "dead alive" and "re-animator", and watched them over the weekend. both were brilliant! creative gory movies are like my crack, i swear. i heart them. :) i prefer peter jackson the low-budget over-the-top b movie director than peter jackson the overbudget blockbuster movie director. hands down. and "re-animator"! omg this movie is one of my new favorites. it's brilliant, and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. a guy holding his own severed head in a tray? now THAT is comedy.

kimya dawson put this video on her lj a while ago and for some reason it makes me smile. this woman(rita pavone) was a teenage superstar in italy (hence most of the words are italian...and i wish i knew what it meant because i think there's some commentary on america in there) in the 60's. i think this video was made in the 70's though...

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oh also...i am kickin' butt at facebook scrabble! go me! okay that's all.

video, movies, dreams

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