(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 01:34

so i was just looking at my old xanga subscriptions, and i realized, i miss a bunch of people from high school. and i wish people still used xanga so that i could get in touch with them and we could hang out. :(

i think i might have a place to live starting september. we just have to work out the kinks. the horrible thing is, it's leased by wolfe and associates. grrrr. it pains me to deal with them again, but i am getting desperate, and it's a really nice place, and most importantly, the people who i would be living with seem super cool, as in, i would actually be friends with them even in different circumstances, kind of cool. so even though it's a little expensive, and a little far, and it's owned by the devil-people, i think it's worth it if i'm living with people that i am comfortable with. i was dreading the possibility of living with shallow skinny party girls that i would feel self-conscious around. and it's only for a few months, so hopefully if i read EVERYTHING they give me this time and make sure everything's in order, i can survive without having to bitch at wolfe again.

i'm starting a botany class on monday. i'm not taking the lab for it. it probably would be fun, but i don't have time for it and i don't need the units. i kind of, um, don't know how i'm going to do everything. three jobs and a class. not much of a summer vacation. also, a few days ago, one of my bosses gave me a bunch of data entry stuff to do. i tried to tell him i was busy. i actually don't remember exactly how he convinced me to do it. hmm. when fall quarter starts, i'll only have two jobs, and hopefully i can get someone to help me with the one i'm doing by myself now. it's funny that i'm looking forward to fall quarter because i'll have less work. the work i'm doing is okay though, especially transcribing the interview tapes. the guy that's being interviewed has had a really interesting life. it's inspiring.

lately i've been thinking about how weird everything's going to be when i get back from south africa. (that is, if the university accepts me. i always have to add that.) all my close friends will have graduated and moved to who-knows-where. molly is going to be nearly three years old. (three! crazy!) america will have a new president. if my plan works out, i'll be done with classes and just be waiting for transcripts so i can graduate too. i'm gonna have to find a real job, and figure out where to live. i'll have to act like a real adult. honestly, i can't wait. yeah, it's scary, but it will be awesome too. i feel really lucky that i know what i want to do after college and i have a clear plan as to how to make it happen. and i'm well-adjusted to living away from my parents, so i'll be able to handle the process of getting an apartment and all that(wherever i decide to live). actually this confidence scares me more than anything else. who knows what kind of rude awakening life has in store for me. but i'm not someone who wants to stay in college for the rest of my life. i don't even want to go to graduate school, at least not for a while. i just want to relax and enjoy my existence for a few years.

why am i still awake? goodnight.

eap, apartment, work

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