Merlin/Arthur recs for Merlin FanFic Appreciation Weekend

Sep 27, 2015 22:07

As promised, here are my recs as part of Merlin FanFic Appreciation Weekend. All are Merlin/Arthur but some have other side pairings - please check the tags! These are all based on fics I have read in the last couple of weeks since I threw myself back into Merlin fandom!

Go forth and read/comment/leave kudos/rec/generally show appreciation for them!

Nine Weddings and a Funeral by giselleslash
Merlin and Arthur keep meeting at a series of weddings.

Paint the World Orange and Blue by ingberry
Armed with pen, paper and mugs of tea, Merlin created a relatively successful series of graphic novels. Armed with determination, sarcasm and more tea, he signs a deal with Pendragon Pictures to turn his first novel into a film. Merlin's relationship with Arthur Pendragon starts with TWO (2) slammed doors and ONE (1) severely bruised ego, but that's not at all how it ends.

Not In This Land Alone by torakowalski
Modern AU. When Merlin Emrys gets a summer job at Buckingham Palace, he doesn't expect to even meet King Arthur, let alone become involved in protecting him from a plot to overthrow the monarchy.

Time Forward by kianspo
While still at uni, Arthur Pendragon meets two people who become his best friends. He falls in love with one of them... but marries the other. This isn't his story to tell; it's Merlin's. And Merlin will always remember that he met Arthur first.

(Modern setting. Angst. Arthur/Gwen --> Arthur/Merlin).

Les Lettres Défi by BeautifulBlues
Merlin is Arthur's new secretary and is oddly appealing. Also, just to complicate things, eccentric Uther has introduced a penpal scheme within the office to promote team unity, and despite initially being at blows, Arthur and his anonymous penpal are getting on extremely well. Somehow Arthur has to balance his physical attraction to Merlin, and his emotional attraction to his penpal... While baking some exceptional puddings, because lemon drizzle cake is nice.

Chatroom by neuroticnick
After breaking up with his girlfriend of two years, Arthur's friend suggests he visit a chatroom to meet someone new. Arthur doesn't expect any results, and only follows through with the idea for lack of anything better to do. But then he starts talking to the witty, intelligent, and absolutely hilarious user known only as MightBeMagic, and it seems like his friend's advice wasn't so bad after all.

Meet Me Beyond The Horizon by ZairaA
Arthur has spent his whole life at the village of Tintagel, building boats and sailing out to the horizon on his daysailer - the Avalon. Having no family and no friends, there is just one person he feels truly connected to: a man he meets in his dreams and whose face or name he can never remember upon waking. Arthur writes him letters, knowing that they'll never be answered, and wishes for nothing more than the mysterious M to find him. Then one day a young man shows up, apparently wanting to purchase a boat, and Arthur finds himself falling harder and faster than he ever thought possible.

Lasting Impressions by cassie_black
Arthur has his sights set on Gwen. The trouble is, she thinks he's a bit of dick. Now all he has to do is convince her best friend Merlin to persuade her otherwise.

In Spite of Everything, the Stars by Polomonkey (art by mushroomtale)
London. 2015. The government is set to vote on ending the microchipping of magic users, and Arthur Pendragon has been tasked with kidnapping prominent Magical activist Merlin Emrys to influence the outcome.

Locked away in a house on the North York Moors, tensions rise and confrontation ensues as Arthur is forced to re-evaluate everything he’s been taught about magic, and Merlin finds himself in a struggle for his life. And the fact that they’re falling for each other doesn’t help…

Also, if you're interested in more Merlin fanwork recs you can check out my Epic Merlin Post of Epicness - but please bear in mind this is an old list that hasn't been updated/maintained in 5 years!

Enjoy! ♥

fic recs, merlin owns my soul

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