It's Merlin Fanfic Appreciation Weekend!

Sep 26, 2015 13:26

25th-27th September is Merlin FanFiction Appreciation Weekend!

I recently dived head first back into Merlin fandom - Merlin/Arthur will forever be one of my favourite pairings. I just adore them! ♥ ♥

I have been devouring fic for the past couple of weeks and fully intend to post a rec list tomorrow (have RL plans today so don't have time) as part of this weekend's festivities!

If anyone has any Merlin/Arthur fic recs I'd love to hear them...

I'm particularly loving modern au at the moment, which is ironic because when I first got into the fandom I refused to read them! I was all about the canon back then... But modern au is an absolute staple of Merlin fandom. They are definitely my favourite now!

Is anyone else taking part this weekend? Come join me! Let's show our appreciation for one the greatest fandoms ever!

merlin owns my soul

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