God, I'm doing a bunch of themed recs lists over at tumblr, and there's a heap of fics that I had bookmarked on my old computer/loved and can only remember vague details
1 it was titled 'bittersweet' (or something along those lines) and was about Remus's relationship with chocolate throughout his life, specifically, I remember something about how since Sirius died, people keep bringing him bittersweet chocolate. Googling it keeps bringing me to this threesome fic with Snape, and that is definitely not it.
EDIT: I found it!
Chocolate by
sheafrotherdon2. It was one of those really long fics, and all I remember is that at the end Remus and Sirius went off around the world. The bit I really remember is that the POV then switched to a Romanian man working in a fish shop, while still being in third person (by which I mean we only experienced what the man experienced but it was still in the third person). He remarks upon a blonde man with a large black dog coming in buying some fish. He notices that the man clearly loves his dog, and thinks something along the lines of 'everyone should have a friend like that'. Then we switch to a post-sex scene between Remus and Sirius in a tent, and the story ends.
EDIT: found by
mommyconk :
http://dogsunderfoot.livejournal.com/6495.html3 keep stumbling upon recs for 'doubt the curvature of the Earth' by Starsstillwonder. Does anyone have a working link/ would anyone be so kind as to send me a copy, if anyone has one? I'm lapiscity@gmail.com.
LAST EDIT, I PROMISE: So I've just read 'Doubt the Curve of the Earth' by Likespoons, and it has quickly risen to the position of one of my all-time favourites (ever since I read it for the first time...eleven minutes ago) but I'm wondering: are Starsstillwonder and Likespoons the same person? because the fic I originally set out for was 'Doubt the Curvature of the Earth'. What's going on? Can anyone explain it to me, I'm really confused.
Thank you so much, as always I am indebted to those with good memories and the ability to click the little button and add the damn things to bookmarks.
Thank you,
ps I shall probably be back later with yet more questions of things that got lost in the Great Computer Crash of 2010
EDIT: Hello, I'm back! I've remembered another fic I can't find:
4 It was an AU set in World War II. Remus can't go to war and works in a factory, and to stop everyone giving him dirty looks he pretends to have a limp. Sirius comes back home for a day (he's fighting in the war and has a spitfire) and Remus goes to pick him up at the train station. He comments on Remus's "limp". He says something about how people shouldn't be so quick to assume; for all they know Remus could be the owner of the factory. They then catch the bus home and Remus thinks something about how he wished he could show affection for Sirius in public.
They're living in the same house and pretending to be flatmates: there's non-explicit sex on one of their beds and Sirius says something about giving the housekeeper something to gossip about (the housekeeper's name began with an 'M', I think, and was probably Maya, Maia or Magda). They then have an argument about food rations: something about not wasting bacon(?) and decide to go out that night. There's a raid, I think, and they get stuck...somewhere, for hours on end. Remus remarks that one family had blankets and things to occupy their children with; obviously it was a common occurence for them.
And then Sirius leaves the next day to go back to his spitfire.
EDIT: found by the lovely people of this community--