Oh menyedihkan / umat manusia
Patut binasa / kalian semua...
...Aku merasa bosan / mari bunuh diri.
Oh how pathetic the human race is
Extinction you all deserve…
I feel bored / let’s commit a suicide.
Mari Bunuh Diri - Sajama Cut
It is, of course, a wonder why Marcel and I, vibrating at the same frequency, still survive until today.
I GOT THE HORRORS’ STRANGE HOUSE OW OW OW READ THE REVIEW HERE! shediao, a fanart is coming your way. Any un-Inui request/idea? :) And I’m trying to edit the fic… hnggg.
I watched a documentary on JFK’s murder. Naturally I had to watch Zapruder’s film (‘the world’s first taste of crucified grace…’) being played over and over in the documentary.
Funny to think of how the death of one man - two, of JFK and Robert - can change the course of history. Somehow I believe that if the two Kennedys hadn’t been murdered, the world would have been a better place, and perhaps we would have loved the US more.
I attended the launching of the Indonesian version of Pin Yathay’s Stay Alive, My Son at Bentara Budaya Jakarta last Monday. It is a great coincidence that Pin Yathay currently lives in Indonesia, and his presence at the launching of course added some atmosphere. Here’s a man who survived the cruelty of the Khmer Rouge, here he stands and testifies…
Too bad the discussion didn’t go too well in the sense that nobody really discussed the book. Mugiyanto from… er, what’s the name of the organisation again? Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia or something?... seemed to be more interested in promoting his organisation’s activities and such. And since he’s a defender of the 60s Communists, he seemed to be reluctant to openly say nasty things about the Khmer Rouge. Hilmar Farid was better, although I think as a historian he could have done more.
I left my Deathnote replica (this month’s Animonster’s bonus) for some minutes on
lemoneko’s desk at the office to have a chat with Danu, Winny,
Tessa and Bu Amel. And only later that afternoon I found that the previously clean, all-new notebook had been filled with one name, written in a handwriting I knew only too well: YAGAMI LIGHT.
When I told her that she forgot to specify the cause of the death, she replied, “Oh yes, I should have written ‘eaten by a berserking Berzeneff’.”
Elex is going to publish Sakura Tetsu Taiwahen next week (PUBLISH WAQWAQ TOO PLEASE!), and Night Robbers next month (PUBLISH SOUKUU NO GRIFFON TOO PLEASE!).
And surprise surprise. RANdohri Neko is the translator of Kusanagi Mizuho’s Game x Rush for m&c!, but the translation is surprisingly good. No superfluous, incorrectly placed particles like ‘kok, dong, deh, lho’ etc. Probably I should congratulate the editor?
About Game x Rush itself - quite interesting. Kusanagian boys, as usual. And the 4-panels are really laughable.