Samara/ Mass Effect 2 for gargleblasted

Oct 13, 2011 22:30

Name: Just call me Vivi
Are you over 16?: Yes’em
Personal LJ: I don’t have one. Problem?
Timezone: Central
Other contact: AIM voluntaryvictms// MSN noregretsTE
Characters already in the game: none
How did you find us?: Shepardu attacked me I was browsing that mass effect canon tag in dear_mun


Character name: Samara
Fandom: Mass Effect
Timeline: End of Mass Effect 2
Age: Nearly 1000 years old 
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: BIOTICS!!!
(Okay, I guess I have to explain don’t I? er… I’ll try my best…)
Biotics, in really simple terms, are the Mass Effect universes equivalent to psychokinetic powers. However, it is not necessarily a ‘magical power’ as all species can obtain them through implants or prolonged exposure to element zero.

While a variety of specific abilities spawn from the use of biotics, these are Samara’s specialties.

Throw: Pretty much allows her to hurl objects, people, and things, with the use of biotics. (note: when I say the use of biotics it means it is a limited power source and can take time to recharge)
Pull: This power allows Samara to make designated objects, people, and things levitate and move towards her. She has been seen using this even on large opposing forces such as citadel rapid transit cruisers moving away from her. (aka small levitating cars) She uses a combination of this power as well as throw in order to make her uh… fly? Or, I suppose, more like levitate towards the ground from a great height.
Reave: Samara uses reave to target the nervous system or synthetic or organic creatures and prevent them from regenerating. At the same time it also leeches life and restores her own. It works quickly on opponents with barriers or armor in order to break down their defense but, once that is gone, it takes prolonged usage in order to kill unprotected opponents.

The following is not Samara’s specialties, per say, but she has been seen using these biotic abilities in cut scenes:
Barrier: Pretty much as it sounds. She creates a barrier around herself, or another target, that soaks up massive amounts of damage for a short period of time (a minute). However, recharge time takes only 12 second. In the cut-scene that features her using this power, she manages to cover a large circumference and keep out seeker swarms. (pretty much hoards of bugs) On the flip side it took up all her concentration and she was unable to aid in the fighting.

Samara also has an additional power that is exclusive to her race, the Asari. It’s essentially mind linking and can only be done between two willing individuals. However, if the other does not concentrate or refuses to open their mind she is unable to do so properly.

I guess another ability I seem to over-look is her prolonged life. Her species tend to live for 1000 years and retain their youthful appearance and vigor. Though, their attitudes and priorities change through time.

How would they use their abilities?: ERADICATING ALL INJUSTICE!!!
No, actually, that’s pretty much it. Samara is a Justicar a sort of warrior monk of her species comparable to samurai, errant knights or… I guess… Jedi, if that helps. By taking up a life as a Justicar she is required to follow a code that contains over 5000 sutras, all which she knows by heart. The biggest emphasis she makes about the code is that it is black and white. There is no grey. Therefore she punishes the wicked in order to eradicate any injustice.

But don’t worry. I’m going to make a post/ take in mind the opinions of other users on killing their characters so she doesn’t walk in on situations that will make her chase certain individuals all across Thor in order to eradicate them.


Samara is a bipedal alien, Asari to be exact, with physique similar to a female human. The biggest difference between the two species, appearance wise, are her light blue skin and her multiple short head tentacles. (Well, there’s also the changing of her eyes.) Whenever an Asari links minds with another being their eyes turn completely black and when Samara meditates her eyes glow white.

Although she is nearly 1000 she’s quite the looker for her age. She shows none of the usual human signs of old age. Only a couple freckles can be found on her skin because she is a pureblooded Asari.

As for her clothing I’ll just quote her dead daughter and flat out say it’s a “horrible uniform”: a skintight cat suit, with a plunging V-neck that doesn’t stop for a couple inches below her cleavage. She has two variations of it, red or black. Might possibly be made with some shiny durable material, but that’s an assumption considering her outfit has never ripped or malfunctioned during the game. Sure, it has shoulder pads and a place to strap her guns on her back but I swear it is all for the looks.

For those not familiar with the Mass Effect universe, you’d think Samara is just the exotic alien crewmember shrouded in mystery because she rarely talks and carries herself in a regal manner. (Unless you bring up something she is opposed to then she’ll stand on her ‘soapbox’ and lecture about justice.) But, surprise! There’s more to her that meets the eye.

Samara didn’t always harbor a strong sense of justice as well as right and wrong, but it is first made example of after she refused to give slaves over to the Collectors back when she was as a mercenary. This resulted in the slaughtering of her cohorts only after they refused to turn around and abort the transaction. When speaking of the past, Samara will admit she did participate in ”questionable practices- but never anything patently unjust” during much of her maiden years, but the slave trade was crossing the line. She then returned the slaves to the citadel, giving them what little she could that belonged to the fallen mercenaries and lectured them about “the virtues of strength and defending one self.” After this episode she decided to quit her wild but dangerous lifestyle and sought stability. Despite these attempts to find peace and balance in her life, this wouldn’t be her last quest for justice.

Many years later, even after she starts a family, Samara decides to take up the life of an Asari Justicar: a warrior monk of sorts comparable to humanities samurai or errant knights. Not because she necessarily wanted to, but because she had to, in order to kill her Ardat-Yakshi daughter Morinth, who proved her addiction to killing by going on the run. Samara felt the need to take responsibility for Morinth’s actions not only because of the heinous crimes she was committing, but because, simply, Morinth was her daughter. To become one, the Asari interested must first take up a new life and discard her old one, this includes giving up any current family and children, or futures ones at that. By doing so she displays her dedication to the Justicar code through her willingness to sacrifice worldly possessions, aside from a few weapons. As a result of completing her training, Samara not only confirms her loyalty to the Justicar code, but her readiness to sacrifice not only her daughter’s life, but also her life, if necessary, in attempts to kill her.

During her 400-year goose chase she makes sure to right other wrongs along the way, including an attempt to execute the Turian Spectre Nihlus. Although his title as a Spectre allowed him to operate outside the laws of the citadel council, she witnessed him kill in an unarmed civilian and that was against the Justicar code. He had to be killed because the code of the Justicar is law and is held above other laws. (Though she is unable to and he gets away) In another situation she had to be taken into custody by the authorities on Illium. While it did hinder her mission, the code allowed this to happen for one day. (Note: although the Justicar code is above all other laws in Asari space, it still deals with a need to respect other laws in place. This is why should could be taken into custody for a day.) Once that day is up if she was not released she would have no choice but to use whatever means necessary in order to break free and continue on with her mission. But Samara’s not reckless. Just like Nihlus used her code against her to get away, she uses the people and situations around her in a way that coincide with the teaching of the code in order to avoid a worst-case scenario. She manages to convince Commander Shepard to obtain the name of the ship that Morinth left and, in return, would swear and oath pledging to assist Shepard in fighting the Collectors/ Reapers.

Though, she will admit, she does enjoy the excitement of a challenging battle. Going back to her fight with Nihlus, she states their battle was “exhilarating” probably because she ended up playing cat and mouse with him in the wilderness for two weeks. Though, she has no interest in unnecessary bloodshed and isn't a cold blooded killer. This can be seen with the deal she strikes with Shepard on Illium, by doing so she prevented the loss of many lives. However, when she is compelled to take action upon others she makes sure to remember all she has slain.

When it comes to relationships, friendly or romantic, Samara tends to guard her heart and has trouble letting others in or even feeding her curiosity of others. In her defense she states “When you live by a code that compels you to harsh action, you learn the dangers of curiosity. If I must kill a man because he has done wrong do I really wish to know he is a devoted father?” While she encourages petty chatter such as the questions Shepard asks about Justicars, she finds personal matters or issues a topic better left to oneself. She even comments Miranda saying, ”she carries many burdens but doesn’t share them - as it should be.” But Samara eventually opens up to Shepard, and Shepard alone, especially after she admits she needs her help in defeating Morinth once and for all stating ”I must ask of your help, that is not easy for me.”

While Samara is an incredibly strong willed woman trying her best not to rely on anyone but herself so she may not possibly bring shame to the Justicars, sometimes even she falters and displays her need for emotional support. When or if Commander Shepard decides to pursue a romantic relationship with Samara she almost gives in to his/her advances, but only if Shepard shows emotional interest. (When claiming they could just have casual sex, Samara is uninterested.) Eventually, her self restraint kicks in after earlier claiming “I know my wants and my desires” and prevents sharing a kiss whispering ”In another life, another time.” She then leaves the room and Commander Shepard: her temptation. This shows that she is ‘human’ in nature (I suppose might be a way to phrase it) and that she has emotional need and desires, it also shows her practicality. The past 400 years of her life had been consumed by hunting down and killing Morinth. Once Morinth was dead that burden was finally lifted from her shoulders. But now, a time of mourning had started for her daughter. (Or so I assume) If not, then it is the fact that she knows, as a Justicar, her relationship with another individual will not result in a stable fruitful family. As soon as Shepards mission is done she is aware she will have to leave and continue bringing the wicked to justice. Therefore, a stable relationship is impossible at the time.


Back in Samara’s Maiden years she simply wanted to enjoy life and had never anticipated being a Justicar. She would dance the night away, and when she discovered her knack for combat she reveled in it, joining a group of mercenaries. Although she does describe what she did as questionable, nothing was patently unjust. This chapter of her life ended when she found out she was trafficking slaves. In order to stop the transaction she had to kill all of her fellow mercenaries, only after they refused to acquiesce to her request, and navigate the ship away from the drop off point. She then lectured the people aboard and left them on the Citadel with the possessions of her fallen cohorts.

After her episode with the slaves she decided to leave her life as a mercenary and try to start a family. She eventually found a partner, who was an Asari as well, and they had 3 daughters. (This is possible because in Asari culture male and female do not matter. They can reproduce by taking the genetic code of the ‘father’ partner when they mind link. Though, when asked, they will identify themselves as female due to their physiology relating closest to that of a human female.) When their daughters reached maturity they discovered, to their horror, that they were Ardat-Yakshi. This is considered the ‘dirty secret’ of the Asari race because not only are they sterile, but also they kill whoever they link minds with. (Although they can sometimes seem to be a magical race because of their inherent knack for harnessing biotic abilities. However, natural biotics are only their body’s evolutionary response to exposure to element zero.) Once revered in old Asari lore, Ardat-Yakshi are now shunned and considered the negative side effect of their 'in-breeding'. There are only two options for Ardat-Yakshi: be killed on the spot or live a comfortable life in seclusion. Two of Samara’s daughters decided to live in seclusion, but Morinth didn’t like either of the options and went on the run, proving her addiction to killing.

This action caused Samara to take up a life as a Justicar, so she might kill her daughter. After rigorous training, which is known to have a high mortality rate, she began her 400-year quest to find and eliminate her daughter. Along the way she rights other wrongs and even encounters a Turian Specter (a citadel operative who can move outside the laws of citadel space) named Nihlus, who she attempts to kill after she witnesses him slay an unarmed civilian. Lucky for him he gets away and her need to find Morinth hinders her from chasing after him. She even encountered Morinth at one point where she had brainwashed an entire colony to worship her and bring her young sacrifices. However, when she tried to kill Morinth she managed to have everyone turn on Samara. By the time she had eliminated all who got in her way, there were only small children. Morinth had successfully fled. Eventually, the exact amount of time between the prior incident and now is unknown, she is found on the planet Illium following a fresh trail.

She is then found trying to obtain the name of the ship Morinth had been smuggled off the planet on by some Eclipse Sisters, an Asari mercenary group. Shepard encounters her fighting a single mercenary effortlessly, all the while trying to get information from her. Although she could toss the Asari mercenary around effortlessly she could not force her to state which ship Morinth had left on. The mercenary pays the price of not giving up what she knew with her life.

Her attention then turns to Commander Shepard (commander because that was the rank she had reached when she was still apart of the Alliance military), a human operative of the organization Cerberus who is trying to stop humanities greatest threat: the Collectors/ Reapers. (Who have decided to start stealing large amounts of humans, which is why no other species seems to care at the moment. Not to mention these humans are located in colonies outside of alliance space and, therefore, out of their jurisdiction. Not to mention those inside citadel space have never seen the Collectors. They just think the human colonies disappear due to raiders or slave traders. And the Reapers are race of synthetic/organic starships who decide to wipe out almost all organic life when they reach a certain pinnacle and watch them rebuild it only to rinse and repeat.) ANYWAY, back to the bio, Samara doesn’t know this, but she was picked exclusively by the Illusive man, the leader of Cerberus, to be recruited by and aid Shepard and her quest. Samara is intrigued by Shepard’s proposition, even though all she says is ”I’m going against sucidal odd and I need the best.” (Because, little fact, Justicars are drawn to trying to overcome impossible odds. Might have something to do with their egos as they are apart of an elite order.) However, her quest to stop Morinth still takes precedence.

She declines the offer, deciding her personal mission is more important, only to be told by an Illium detective that she will be taken into custody if she does not leave the planet. (You see, even though Asari Justicars are revered in Asari space, many still feel uneasy around them. This is because followers of the Justicar code see things in black and white. There is not grey area. However, in their ‘current’ society there is a lot of grey area. Not to mention Illium is located outside Asari space. Therefore they do not want her causing a ”cross species incident”.) Although her desire to obtain her information is immense and she wishes not to be delayed the Oaths of Subsumation she takes requires her to comply with the law and be taken in for one day. After that day she will have to strike down all who stand in her way in order to carry out her mission. Because she wishes not to kill many innocent lives she strikes a deal with Shepard. If she can find the name of the ship Morinth had left Illium on she would join Shepard and aid in the fight against the Collectors/Reapers.

Both parties agree and before long Shepard visits the detective and Samara with the information she seeks. Samara then must fulfill her end of the bargain and help her. However, Shepard is concerned that Samara’s code may become an issue, so Samara swears the most difficult of all codes: the 3rd Oath of Subsumation. By doing so Shepard’s orders override the code but Samara makes it clear she will give her opinion of the situation. By kneeling before Shepard and swearing the Oath she makes her decision clear. Then she boards the Normandy SR-2 and aids Shepard’s cause.

However, it is not long before the issue of Morinth returns is brought up in conversation. When Shepard visits Samara, wishing to strike up a simple chat, she brings it up. Although she does not force Shepard into following through with the matter, she can not stress enough how important it is that she eliminates Morinth, not only because she is a dangerous fugitive on the run for over 400 years, but because she is her daughter. The Normandy then sets course for Omega, an inhabited asteroid, where the ship Morinth had escaped on had taken her. Once arriving they find out from Aria, the leader of Omega, that she had recently killed a human named Nef. Though, she had not taken action because Morinth had not tried to seduce her. Crime happens on Omega, but action isn’t taken unless it spirals out of control.

After a little investigation Shepard and Samara find out Morinth had been hanging out in the VIP section of a club called Afterlife. Because Samara feared Morinth’s chances of escape would be too great if she were to confront her in such a public place she convinces Shepard to seduce Morinth into taking her back to her apartment, which she does successfully. Finally cornered and not expecting attack, Samara confronts her daughter and attempts to kill her, only to find their power is equal in skill. In the end, it is Shepard who chooses who shall live and who shall die when they are locked in a stalemate. By holding back Morinth she helps Samara land the perfect shot, knocking Morinth on her back, which then allowing Samara to kill her weakened and outnumbered daughter.

By aiding in killing Morinth, Shepard had earned Samara’s loyalty not only to the mission, but also at any time afterwards. She is then one of many of Shepard’s recruited team to help in the assault on the Collector base and survive. (& the rest will have to be continued when I play ME3 when it is released. Although, I’m going to assume that after the suicide mission she leaves Shepard because she had fulfilled her oath)

Why do you want to continue their history here:
Because I was invited by friendly Mass Effect people. Actually, I thought it would be interesting seeing how Samara would try to preserve what little life is left of the universe while still working within the code. Or… possibly destroy it all because of her loyalty to the code…

Have you read up on how the game works?:
Yeah, an Asari mind-links with a reaper. Bad stuff happens. Now Samara better be a productive member of this space station by missions such as peeling potatoes, bumming off of Shepard or doing freelance work. And knows the guide-plug is called a flaming ferret.

1st person sample:

3rd person sample:
Her opponent refused to give up living.

Every step forward the Justicar took the Asari scooted back, attempting to maintain the distance between to two. Her efforts were in vain. Samara was soon looming over her, her right arm outstretch and gripping the Asari’s throat. A gag escaped her mouth. From the blue glow engulfing Samara’s body it was obvious the next blow would be fatal. She looks up, meeting Samara’s eyes, her mother’s eyes.

For Shepard the moment before Morinth’s death only lasted a second, but for Samara, it seemed much longer than that. Samara was looking at the splitting image of herself, a self she had placed all her future hopes and dreams. Morinth was her legacy and just about all she had to account for in life. Now, she was going to destroy it. It, being the monster her daughter had become. A monster obsessed with killing to obtain power. A monster addicted to destroying the minds of the innocent and naïve in order to gain more knowledge. A monster Samara had to take responsibility for not only as a Justicar but also as her mother.

Morinth’s eyes did not close, despite knowing what was to follow. She continued to stare at her mother in defiance and refused to show weakness.

The moment of reflection was over and Samara’s eyelids lowered. The beginning of Morinths end had arrived. She recites a farewell prayer to her daughter, “Find peace in the embrace of the goddess.” Her eyes snap open and her fist collides with Morinth’s head with bone shattering force. There is a snap, followed by an unpleasant splat. Then, there is silence.

Slowly she rises from her hunched over position, sidestepping away from the corpse. Her eyes are still pinned upon it: upon her dead hopes, upon her dead dreams, upon her dead daughter. Adverting her gaze she looks up towards the cracked windows, but still refuses to look at Shepard. The dim lights of the apartment reflect off the saline tears that wish to escape her eyes. Blinking once, then twice, then a third time she prevents them from running down her face.

“I am ready to leave this place and get on with my life.”

Questions?: naw I guess

Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: yea

app, [canon] mass effect, [rpg] gargleblasted

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