The Many Ways to Kill Bella in New Moon

Dec 06, 2009 01:18

  1. Her mondo-severe papercut gets infected and she dies of septicaemia.

  2. When Edward pushes her away from Jasper, she crashes into the table and dies on impact.
  3. Jasper eats her.
  4. She jumps off the cliff. Uh, hello?
  5. Carlisle notices her touching him inappropriately and bitch slaps her through a window.
  6. Paul eats her.
  7. Edward's sparkling skin blinds her permanently.
  8. The dirtbike flips and lands on her skull.
  9. Jacob gets really angry and scratches her eyes out.
  10. After Edward leaves her, she curls up on the forest floor and dies of hypothermia.
  11. Laurent eats her.
  12. When Jacob runs and jumps over her while transforming into a werewolf, he muffs his landing and squashes her with his huge front paws.
  13. Someone in the St Marcus Day parade clotheslines her.
  14. She trips over her own feet in the fountain, cracks her head against the edge, and drowns.
  15. When Edward takes off his shirt, the parade (made up of Twihards) surges forward to catch a glimpse of his sparkliness, and she is trampled in the ensuing crush.
  16. She isn't immune to Dakota Fanning's powers.
  17. The Volturi eat her.
  18. She screams so hard, she bursts an artery.
  19. When Alice is driving at 200mph, Bella falls out of the car and becomes a stain on the road.
  20. She gets between a fighting Jacob and Edward. They do the rest.
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