Everything I Needed To Know In Life, I Learnt From New Moon

Dec 05, 2009 23:46

  1. Sparkling skin is not necessarily a figure of speech.
  2. Edward Cullen is a road hazard.
  3. Red contacts are the shit.
  4. Thou shalt not covet thy future father-in-law. Or touch him inappropriately. Or touch him. At all.
  5. When in doubt, take your shirt off.
  6. It is possible to be nothing more than a CPD - Convenient Plot Device.
  7. Even though your kung fu is strong, you can still die of a heart attack.
  8. Dakota Fanning can be a scary little bitch when she wants to. She rocks.
  9. Deep, dark, unspeakable secrets aren't.
  10. Papercuts can lead to bloodloss and breakups.
  11. Just because you survived a fifty foot drop into a freezing, tumultuous ocean doesn't mean you can't knock yourself out on the cliff wall behind you.
  12. It is perfectly normal to be bipolar, manic depressive and suicidal.
  13. Jacob's abs can be used for washing your laundry.
  14. As powerful as the Volturi are, they would be no match for Buffy. Except maybe Dakota - she's badass.
  15. Running around shirtless in a temperate climate is not just okay, it's MANDATORY.
  16. 'Facepunch' is a movie worth making.
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