Why do our parties all suck so much?

Aug 29, 2013 18:11

I used the Wahl-O-mart, mostly for shits and giggles because I always know before I start what the result will be. And I was right again. Judging from their programs I agree with

Die Linke (Socialists) - 91%
Piraten (Pirate party) - 81%
Grüne (Greens) - 80%.

I didn't even look at the other parties because there is no way I will vote CDU, SPD or FDP. No way in hell. They are fucked up and I want them to explode. The only reason I would want Steinbrück to become Chancellor is that, contrary to Merkel, he is an asshole so people might wake up and start getting pissed instead of being stuck in Merkel-induced slumber.

I will also not vote for the Greens again until they stop making me want to roll my eyes or vomit. The Piraten are a joke on the federal level, so that's a no-go.

Oh god, I am contemplating voting for Die Linke for the first time in my life. They suck, too, but they never had a chance to do so at the federal level. I don't want there to be general elections this year. I hate all parties!

(Merkel's gonna stay Chancellor anyway, lets not kid ourseves here. Thank you, SPD, for being a spineless joke of a party.)

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