
Aug 25, 2013 18:12

thefourthvine talks about blanket permissions and why they are awesome.

On structural narrative failure in teen wolf: season 3 by

Behind Every Man: Gender Roles at Play in Mad Men* by
The pressure on Betty to conform to the angel-woman ideals requires that she perfect her femininity and beauty in a way that Peggy Olson needn’t do, allowing Peggy to self-reflect in a way that Betty does not. That self-reflection is the quality that leads to Peggy’s professional success.

Vividcon 2013 Recs by

Recs: Het Fics Where Women Lead by limeray
The recs are sorted first by category: Matriarchy, Established Power Roles, or Submission, and then alphabetically by fandom (or "Original").

Podfic: Feels by
Um I was writing fic but then I got distracted by this amazing link that's going around: it's a list of all the tags that are wrangled under the term "feels" at the AO3. And it's amazing. And I had to read it out loud, because it's the most beautiful piece of found poetry I've seen in ages.

Food Timeline: food history research service
Ever wonder how the ancient Romans fed their armies?
What the pioneers cooked along the Oregon Trail? Who invented the potato chip...and why?

Photoshop tricks & tips & tutorials & resources by
a post full of helpful tricks & tips & tutorials & resources; pretty much anything that you need to become a boss at Photoshop!

Originally posted at Dreamwidth. | Comments so far:
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fandom:teen wolf, -linkspam, links: fandom

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