
Feb 08, 2013 17:36

This just made me chuckle. According to Fox News solar energy is not viable in the US in comparison to Germany because - are you sitting down? - Germany gets so much more sun than the US.
Joshi's jaw-dropping response: "They're a smaller country, and they've got lots of sun. Right? They've got a lot more sun than we do." In case that wasn't clear enough for some viewers, Joshi went on: "The problem is it's a cloudy day and it's raining, you're not gonna have it." Sure, California might get sun now and then, Joshi conceded, "but here on the East Coast, it's just not going to work."

On what alternate-reality Earth does this sunny Germany exist and can I move there? Don't get me wrong, the weather could be worse (I lived in Ireland) but to call Germany sunny is hilarious. I went to the American South-East in summer and almost died because I am just not built for that much heat and sun. I am a whimpy-ass Central European when it comes to heat. Cold I can do (-20 outside is when it gets really bad), but too much heat makes me utterly miserable.

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