
Feb 07, 2013 13:37

Two reviews of the latest The Good Wife episode:
swatkat - I love The Good Wife's unshaking commitment to making the audience flinch by gleefully representing a lot of INCREDIBLY iffy things being done by everyone involved.
selenak - Above all, though, the episode was a great showcase for our lead actress and her character.

Two reviews of the pilot of The Americans:
by sabra_n @ DW and by blinkingsandbeepings @ Tumblr. I agree with them because they are all about Phillip being a Creepy.Ass.Fucker and how the plot is using Elizabeth's body. (There's talk about rape and assault in the reviews, fyi.)
I am faszinated by Elizabeth but super wary of how Phillip is presented. I have no symphathies for him because he is a Creepy.Ass.Fucker. If I end up watching the series I will have to actively read against the text.

metanews is a new panfandom meta newsletter. It collects links from all over the web. Dreamwidth is the main site, there is also an LJ mirror @ metanewsfandom

delfinnium and
marina heap scorn on Vacations from Hell -YA Fantasy short stories by Libba Bray, Cassandra Clare, Claudia Gray, Maureen Johnson, Sarah Mlynowski. My favourite is the last story set somewhere Romanian-ish (you know the place, somewhere in sort of Europe but more eastern and exotic) where it is mysterious and strange and people speak in guttural tongues and worship the devil and the author totally knows how racism works you guys.

siljamus] Introducing a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques, first-time director John Kahrs takes the art of animation in a bold new direction with the Oscar®-nominated short, "Paperman".

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A list of free online education being offered by various universities and organisations.

PS. Does anyone have an idea why I can no longer expand cuts on DW in Opera? All that happens is that I jump to the top of the page when I click on the arrow. If I click the link proper it still expands. It's annoying.

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-linkspam, links: fandom

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