linkspam and stuff

Nov 04, 2011 13:34

Friending Frenzy in
zarhooie's journal.

It's the Economy, Dummkopf! is an utterly bizarre article in Vanity Fair about Germany and the EU's current crisis. Everytime I thought the author may be on to something he veered into bizarroland. So strange.

Who Rules America? Breaking Down the Top 1% by an anonymous investment manager.

Moody's analyst breaks silence: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts, Corruption, And Greed. You can read his original statement here (PDF).

On the prevalence of US tropes in storytelling by Aliette de Bodard.

Chimp to Man to History Books: The Path of AIDS about a new book and research done by Jacques Pepin. It tries to trace the path the virus took from the Belgian Congo to possibly Haiti and then the US. It sounds really interesting, especially if you heard about that one theory involving Polio immunisation. This new research offers a much more likely explanation how mass immunisation in Central Africa fits into the spead of HIV.

My Milk Toof. Oh my heart. The adventures of ickle and Lardee, two milk teeth. Look at this and tell me it didn't make you grin from ear to ear. I am so close to buying my nieces the book for christmas just so I can steal it from time to time and coo over it. ♥

Are you the customer or the product? by
kaigou It's about Delicious, Diggo, LJ and DW etc. and the focus of such projects: is it content focused or consumer focused and what that means.

And now some fannish links.

rivkat is being mean to Terra Nova. The show utterly deserves it. How can a series with time travel and dinosurs be so mindnumbingly boring?

yourlibrarian posted some long meta about the first season of The Wire. Personally, while I can appreciate the objective quality of the series, I have such utter and complete loathing of the McNulty character that it clouds everything. So I only watched the first season and then couldn't stomach it anymore. That character is on my very short list of no-go characters. (For the record: 7of9 (ST:Voyager), Laura Roslin (BSG), Gaius (Merlin), and McNulty).

I am also enjoying
legionseagle getting irritated with Downton Abbey. I loved the first season so much, but everything I found charming then seems grotesque now. And I am still watching. Glutton. Punishment. And all that.

How Harry Potter should have ended.

image Click to view

I still find Tumblr's interface terribly unintuitive. It's great for posting and reblogging all sorts of media except text. Having a conversation on Tumblr is such a pain. And I don't like the structure of the dashboard. But it's okay since I'm not actually doing much over there. I only made an account to follow interesting Tumblrs. What I find really aggravating however is that I cannot seem to block certain keywords when looking at a particular tag. So whenever I try to find German or about Germany Tumblrs I get mostly Hetalia stuff. Okay, fine, Hetalia has a large presence over there, I get it. But do they really, honestly need to include swastikas and authentic SS uniforms in their fanart to get their jollies? It's a minority who does it but omg. But I'm good and not picking fights with fifteen-year-olds over there. I only block everyone on the Germany tag posting Hetalia content. *sits on hands*

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