(no subject)

Jun 12, 2010 20:33

[SPON] In Thilostan will keiner leben Could the media please stop paying attention to Thilo Sarrazin? It was bad enough when he was just poisoning Berlin's political landscape, but now he can be a hate-mongering asswipe all over the country. Stop encouraging him!

[DailyMail] for the English-speaking folk: Migrants 'make Germany dumb' says central banker in astonishing outburst (Except that it's not 'astonishing' at all. He says that shit all the time.) Can't he just tattoo a swastika on his forehead and be done with it? I will not at all be surprised when he bursts out with a one-child policy for Muslim migrants. Sterilising the "genetically inferior"? Oh wait, we already did that. We called it Rassenhygiene. Turned out great! (Oh my god, I hate his stupid face.)

[ARD] Joachim Gauck im ARD-Gespräch. (The moderators are terrible, though.) I'd vote for him over Wulff any day of the week.

I heard there's a world cup on? I just noticed that Germany will face Ghana in the final game of their group. Is it very bad of me to want Kevin-Prince Boateng to score the winning goal for Ghana as a general 'fuck you' for the abuse that got hurled at him after the Ballack thing?

[via Wronging Rights of all places] Furry wants to buy an African country. Who got furry fandom in my snarky political commentary? WTF.

Well me and a friend have come up with this crazy idea that we should get a ton of money together and buy a poor African country. Build up its infrastructure and medical care. Then let the nation prosper.

However we are not sure what nation to go with. So we have made a few points of intrest.

Must have a coast.
Not be totally aids ridden, by African standards.
Have some semblance of a national army.
Not totally jungle or totally desert.

Preferably former English colony with a substantial English speaking population.

So any ideas are welcome and encouraged!

And there is a post II. With added Nazi-fur in the comments. *shuddertwitch*

Incredible wildlife photography by Nick Brandt.

Also, I finally watched The Losers and I think I am in love. Why is Zoe Saldana not ruling Hollywood yet? I was bouncing in my chair and fist-punching the air with glee. That movie is awesome. Is there fic were they blow shit up and take over the world? Or Pooch and his family? Is there Aisha/Pooch fic that doesn't make me feel icky for the disappeared Pooch-family? I need icons!

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