FIC: "Easy" [Lotrips]

Jun 01, 2004 02:29

Dear azewewish, it would be ridiculous to still call this a birthday fic, what with it being June and all. So this is just a little something that has your name written all over it. Love you, honeybee. *g*

[Harry/Orlando; PG]
Beta by the lovely Cassandra.

Orlando loves everybody, that’s just how he is. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just met him, or have known him all of your life, he’ll hug everybody the same. Orlando will smile and clasp your hand, or put his arms around you. There’s no reason to feel special. None at all.

Harry loves to be touched by Orlando, by long slender fingers. He loves the warmth of Orlando’s body, the earthy scent of his skin. He loves it so much that he avoids touching Orlando himself, afraid that one day he’ll pull Orlando to him and never let go.

He wonders how Orlando will be like as a man, because right now he’s still a boy. Even when he works until exhaustion leaves him trembling, he’s still the boy who takes six bungee-jumps in a row, grinning despite the fact that he’s just emptied his stomach in a ditch. He’s the boy who smoothes out the tense wrinkles in Viggo’s brow, just to leave fake dog shit on his doorstep the next moment; the boy who adores Liv’s naïve wisdom, and gives Dom the finger almost on a daily basis.

Orlando is young and generous with his affection. Harry is neither, and the thought frightens him. Orlando’s lovely and kind, but sometimes Harry fears that Orlando’s bright smile will slice him open and leave him to bleed.

Harry doesn’t want Orlando to change; for his eyes to stop glittering, his dimples to forget how to dance. Harry doesn’t want to teach Orlando about fear. He wants the man, and can’t bear to be in love with the boy.


Disclaimer: Made up. Don't know any of the people portrayed in the story.

fic, fic: lotrips

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