(no subject)

May 13, 2004 13:32

Err, this day is not good.

First, website update of doom. IE giving me a headache. There is no fucking border, goddamnit! Get over yourself.

It is cold. It rains. I only have alcohol to drink. Don't wanna go shopping, it's cold.

German Amazon is crap. No Chopper, no Price of Milk. Is it too much to ask to have some DVDs beyond the Hollywood blockbuster variety? I'm not asking for much, but pleeeease.

Don't feel like watching Troy today. Hmm.

And then I wanted to make a post in my lotr_speakeasy pup's journal. But apparently LJ doesn't want that. I'm locked out. Er, what? (Speaking of, am not on IM much lately, but tell me when you all are on and I will, too. Wanna start playing for real.)


I hate this day.


Bohemia by godofwine
Dom/Viggo, R; bleak and aching
What We Live By by lelise
Astin/Andy, R; harsh, gritty, honest in the way the author doesn't soften any blows, truely amazing characterisation


As I Went Down In The River To Pray by prillalar
Greek myth; R; I have such an imagery kink it's not even funny anymore, and this hits me right where I live
Mysticism by gileonnen
PotC; Jack/Will, Jack/Bill (both vague), PG; I have no idea how to describe this except that I liked it, a lot

ETA: I feel better already. *dies laughing* Now I have mad crack!fic urges. Where's my pen?

recs: misc, recs: lotrips, recs: myth, recs

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